Chapter 8:Progress to Regress

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"I can't believe she called me like why would she do that?" I said to my brother.

"Shit I guess she missing you sis, I don't see no other reason for it." Levi said as we sat on the front porch drinking pink lemonade. It felt good outside. It was late in the evening, so the sun was slowly setting, and the coolest breeze blew. Felt so nice.

"I mean like out of all the people in the world, she calls me. Then I was on a date with Mona, and out of all the times in the world she calls at that moment. It's bananas bro seriously" I said.

"That is pretty wild. Ain't it been like almost two years?" Levi said.

"Yep. But I don't know. It was nice while it lasted but whatever it's over now, and I am not trying to start again." I said.

"That's right. So what you think of Mona so far." Levi asked.

I smiled at the thought my bald head beauty. She was so nice, it was just magical every time I was around her.

"Perfect in every aspect of the word." I said.

"Already?" Levi said.

"Well so far yeah. I mean Levi, have you seen her?" I asked. Levi smiled broadly.

"Hell yeah! I was thinking the other day, shit if she don't work out for you, pass her to me, I might could change her mind." Levi smiled. I laughed as I gave him a playful shove.

"Stop it. But seriously like the times we have hung out, she's like uh yeah I'm here for it." I said.

"Ok but be careful mama, she is a bad I mean bad bad bitch. She look good but she look like she filled with game all the way to the brim. Be careful." Levi said.

"No Levi. I don't think she's like that. I mean she's so sweet." I said.

Levi sipped his lemonade and rolled his eyes.

"Ok ma, but you better be careful. These hos is shady. Don't be getting played out here. And don't get too crazy. You remember what happen with Marie?" Levi said. I shuddered again at the mention of her name.

"Why you bringing up old stuff? You and Dina said the same thing. I was in a dark place ok, it's over now." I said sharply.

My brother put his hands up in surrender.

"Ok. If you got it, then you got it." Levi said with a shrug.

"I got this." I said so sure of myself. But did I really?

The next day at work, I was putting out new clothes, and shoes for tomorrow's big sale. It was our annual "Good Bye Spring, Hello Summer" sale. We usually had like sundresses, sandals, stilettos, summer tops, rompers, body suits, brightly colored clothing from spring for like 50% off. It almost always brought in customers by the hoard.

I had one employee managing the front, and there was Harrison. We were just having a light conversation.

"How's your wife Harrison?" I asked.

"She ok. Still pregnant, but she ok." Harrison said.

"When is she due?" I asked.

"Just a few more weeks." Harrison said.

"Are you excited?" I asked.

"Yeah it's kind of hitting me now. As some would say it's getting real." Harrison said.

"What are you having?" I asked.

"A boy." Harrison said.

"Oh wow, bet you're excited." I said.

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