To Be With My Beloved

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Friday night found me at the Cullen's place, lounging on one of their gigantic sofas next to Edward. Movie Night. I was sleeping over and Alice had decided we were watching something scary, so I sat with my legs curled up under me, in my pajamas, with Edward's arm around me under a blanket.

It was a while before we all agreed on a movie and when we did, Emmett picked up Insidious from the pile in front of the giant flat-screen and put it in with an evil laugh. As the lights dimmed, Edward deftly slid me onto his lap and pulled me against his chest.

I smiled without looking at him. "Scared?"

I heard his low chuckle. "No,"

"Liar," I accused him. "Don't worry; I'll be here to protect you from the bad, bad ghosts."

"Would that be before or after you've screamed and hidden your face in my shirt?" He replied inquiringly.

"Neither. It takes a lot more than a movie to scare me." I said matter-of-factly. "If anything, I find these things rather funny. Hysterically so." I continued snobbishly.

"Okay, Bella," He conceded, his tone carefully laced with defeat. "You win." I could almost hear what he didn't say, but was obviously thinking. For now.

I settled into him, comfortably. He kissed my hair and then the movie started. If you've never seen Insidious, you really need to. Sorry if I'm spoiling it, but the whole thing centered around astral projection, which is when you can travel outside of your body when you sleep. The son fell into a "coma" and wouldn't wake up and the husband's mom's friend was like this psychic chick who could help the son get back to his body before a demon possessed it.

The thing scared the living shit out of me, and Edward of course, picked up on it. I could feel him laughing beneath me whenever I jumped as some ghastly spirit leaped toward the screen.

When the father found out he could astral project too, and stepped out of his body to look for his son in a creepy mansion in the spirit world, I pulled the blanket up to my nose, ready to cover my eyes whenever it became necessary. The movie ended with the psychic woman being strangled by who she thought was the father, but was actually an evil spirit who had been following him around since he was a little boy and had now possessed his body before he could step into it again. It ended with the wife realizing that her husband's body was now possessed by said evil spirit. The screen went dark before the credits rolled upwards with some scary music.

I stared at the screen before I burst out. "What the hell?"

Jasper looked over at me. "What's wrong?" Everyone had turned towards me.

"That's a bloody awful way to end a movie." I said in explanation.

"Well, it did send shivers down my spine," said Rosalie, shuddering. "I mean, think about it: Just when you think everything's okay and turned out right, you find out you've been screwed over by a demon and now you're stuck with a blood thirsty husband. It really gets you thinking."

"Yeah," Alice said. "About whether or not she's going to kill him, or get killed."

"I vote for 'kill him'!" Emmett put in. "I couldn't stand him from the beginning. There was obviously something wrong with their little freakazoid son."

"You mean, other than the fact that he was in a coma?" Edward retorted.

"Nah, not really." Emmett replied, shrugging. We all laughed before heading to bed. I went up to Alice's room after kissing Edward goodnight. Her room was huge and had pink painted walls with black trim. There were clothes literally everywhere and I almost broke my ankle on a seven inch black stiletto heel. The only place without clothes was Alice's huge bed. It was covered with a rosy pink comforter and the head was covered in a mountain of black and pink pillows. She slid under the covers on one end, and I slid in the other. I laughed when she practically disappeared into the pillows and she sat up, grimacing at me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2013 ⏰

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