Guardian Angel

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Warmth. That was my first sensation. I was wrapped in a dark cocoon of warmth. Next I realized that I was being held and that it was this hold that caused the warmth. I was curled up against a body, my face buried in a chest. Edward, my mind whispered. And then I remembered. The dance, the music, the balcony…

I wanted to stay here forever. I breathed in deeply and opened my eyes. Darkness. We were under the covers and I could feel his steady heart beating under my cheek. I yawned and shifted, getting closer to him. His arms tightened around my waist as he woke up and I pushed the covers from off my face.

I looked up at him and saw that his hair was falling over his face. He looked down at me and smiled. "Good morning, Beautiful."

I tried to sit up, but his arms restrained me. "I'm going to choose to ignore that. I always look horrible in the morning."

"'Thou shalt not lie', Bella, and I don't." He replied, grinning. "And you didn't see yourself at the dance last night," he continued. "I did. You were radiant." Now I was blushing furiously. Great. I hid my face in his chest, but he shifted himself lower in the bed so that we were face to face. "I've made you blush," he said, his eyes studying my face. Then something in his eyes flamed, and he leaned closer to me, slowly. Again, I was frozen and my eyes drifted shut, my lips parting slightly.

Suddenly, his body tensed and went rigid before he pulled away. The flaming in his eyes was gone, replaced by a sad look that I didn't understand, before he smiled my favorite crooked grin. "We should do something today," He said.

I sat up and ran a hand through my hair. His arms had loosened, but they still rested on my waist, as if he didn't want to let go. The sun shined through the curtains onto the floor. It would be warm out today. "Why don't we go to the beach today?"

"Sounds good to me," he stood up, stretching, then leaned down and kissed my forehead. "See ya soon, Beautiful." What was I going to do with him?

After I showered, I threw on some dark wash skinny jeans, a dark blue tee that showed my right shoulder and my converse boots over my bathing suit, and went downstairs for some breakfast. I was just finishing a bowl of cereal when I heard a knock at the door.

"Miss me?" Edward asked with a cocky grin. He was wearing a dark blue V-neck with jeans and, as usual, he was gorgeous with his bronze hair in its signature sexy disarray.

"Not much," I lied smoothly. "Come on in, Goldylocks."

He snorted and rolled his eyes, which, on anyone else, would have been incredibly unattractive, but on him, it was cute. Briefly I wondered if he could pull anything off and make it look hot. "Have you eaten breakfast yet?" I asked him. "If you're hungry, we've got cereal, cereal and cereal."

He shook his head. "No thanks," He looked at me. "You ready to go?"

I grabbed a beach towel and a blanket and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "I am now."

"Great, let's go." He held the door open for me as I walked out the door, then again as I got into his car. As usual, he drove like a maniac, roaring down the roads and screeching through turns. Driving extra fast just because he could. How typical of him. While I held on to my seatbelt for dear life and clenched my stomach to keep from ruining the Volvo's interior with an unexpected visit from my breakfast, he sat in his seat completely relaxed, face at ease, barely paying attention to the cars in front of him. Because looking out of any of the windows was disconcerting and made my head spin and there was nowhere else to look, I focused on him, which happened to be a major mistake. Not because of me, but because of his ginormous ego.

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