Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Musical Misadventures

Allison and Connor decided to stay home and relax for the rest of the week, except for a quick trip to the doctor to make sure the baby was okay. They both really enjoyed it, but when Monday came again, it was off to the vet clinic for Allison and off to school for Connor. 

When she walked through the door, Allison was greeted with barking dogs, ringing phones, and the familiar smell of medicine and floor cleaner. She sighed and walked around the back to the front desk and looked at the forty messages waiting for her. 

Doctor Barrett walked through the door about five minutes later with Cathie close at his heel. "Look, I know that's not the issue here, but hear me out!"

Doctor Barrett turned to glare at Cathie and stopped to respond. "Cathie, this really isn't your issue. All I need you to do is contact the agency and tell them we have it ready and will deliver it by Friday, okay?" He walked back to his office without waiting for an answer, giving Allison a curt nod on his way out.

Carrie groaned loudly, causing those in the waiting room to jump and walked over to Allison's desk. "Can you believe him?"

"No! Um... What did he do?" Allison asked.

"Oh, right, you've been gone. How are you, by the way?"

Allison shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm fine, I guess. Took the week for some TLC. Turns out the fainting was from stress... but I'm sure Connor told you." She nodded. "So, what did I miss?"

"Nothing really, just some routine checkups. Oh, and Doctor Barrett decided to make a commercial!"

Allison's eyes widened in shock. "ARe you serious!? When does it go on air?"

Cathie sighed and dropped her arms off the counter. "Well, that's the problem. Doctor Genius has decided to write the commercial jingle himself. And it's a disaster, of course."

Allison nodded. "So that's what the yelling was all about?"

"Yes! I told him he should hire a professional, but he told me it wasn't in the budget. I just don't know what to do!"

Allison thought for a moment. "I don't know, I'm sorry. I guess we'll just have to..." She paused as a thought popped into her head. A brilliant one. "You know, I know someone who could do it for free."

"Really? That would be great!"

"Let me just give him a quick call." She picked up the phone and dialed the number she knew by heart. 

"Hello?" Mark answered quickly. 

"It's me," Allison responded. 

"Oh, hey! What's wrong, I thought you were going back to work today."

"Yeah, I'm there now. The thing is, we need someone to write a commercial jingle for us, and I thought of you!"

"I'd love to!" he said happily, then paused. "There's no pay, is there?"

"None at all," Allison laughed. "But will you still do it?"

"Sure. No problem."

Allison motioned to Cathie and gave her the thumbs up. Cathie squealed in delight and leaned forward to listen. "I figured you were perfect, what with your job at the high school teaching chorus."

"And my amazing composing abilities, of course," Mark added .

"Of course! So can you have something done by, say, Wednesday?"

"I can have it done by tomorrow. Talk to you then!"

Allison hung up the phone and took Cathie's hand. "Mark's going to do it for free. He says he can have it done by tomorrow!"

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