The Ghost

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Ruth was spending her vacation with her cousin Susan. "A woman once lived in our house." Susan told Ruth. "He died in the room that you're staying in. Her ghost is supposed to haunt that room." she warned. "But I don't believe in ghosts." The thought of a ghost woman haunting her room freaked her out. Before she got in bed that night, Ruth checked everywhere. 

She looked under her bed,

And under the rug,

in the closet, 

and in the drawers, 

behind the dresser,

and behind the curtains, 

and everywhere else a ghost might hide.

But there was not a thing to be seen. Ruth yawned and stretched as she climbed into the bed she turned off the light and snuggled under the covers. "Just as I thought..." she said to herself. "There is nobody in this room but me..." she said just then, a quiet voice said 

"And me..."

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