A Daydream Away...[Part 2]

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I walked onto the campus of the university that Ethan attended. I scanned the campus fields in search of his tall figure. He was usually by the soccer fields...

"Toto!!!" I called, waving, spotting Ethan. A while ago, we both randomly started calling each other by nicknames. I called him Toto because he was like a loyal puppy to me. He called me Ace because he insisted that I was intelligent.

He looked over, hearing his nickname and waved back, smiling at me. He was with his friends from his university's soccer team which he played for.

"Hey, Ace. What are you doing here?" he asked as I approached him.

"I have to talk to you about something," I said. I smiled at his friends. "Hey Jason; Peter," I said to them.

"What's up, Avery?" Jason asked, flashing me his sparkling white smile. I shrugged.

"Nothing. Can I steal your teammate from you?" I asked him, batting my eyelashes. Ethan hated it when I flirted with his friends.

"I'm sure that you'd take him even if I said no," Jason replied. Ethan rolled his eyes.

"Come on," he mumbled, grabbing my elbow and steering me in the other direction. "Why do you always insist on flirting with my teammates?" he asked.

"Because I know how much you hate it," I replied grinning at him, a bounce in my step.

"You look happy. Did you correct a professor in class again today?" he teased, poking my side.

"Shut up. That happened one time," I said. "Stop bringing it up," I added. He smiled at me.

"So for real. What happened? I'm kind of interested to know," he said. "But only kind of," he added, with a side-glance and a smirk at me. I pushed him to the side a little.

"Fine, if you're not completely interested, I'll just go back home," I said, turning and walking the other way.

"All right! See you later, Ace!" he called, continuing to walk behind me. I stopped and turned, putting my hands on my hips.

"Toto!" I yelled. He turned.

"What?" he asked. I stomped back to him and he smiled victoriously at me. "Now tell me. I have some last minute studying to do," he said.

"Remember that hot guy I always talk about that's in my public speaking class?" I asked him.

"Tall, brown hair, brown eyes?" he asked.

"Yeah!" I cried. I had described him several times to Ethan.

"What about him?" he asked, looking ahead.

"Well...you know how I've been dropping subtle hints that I like him?" I asked. He nodded. "They finally worked! He asked me out!" I cried. He raised his eyebrows, surprised.

"No way? What did you say?" he asked, looking at me now.

"I said yes, of course! What else would I say? I've only been crushing on him since I set eyes on him," I replied.

"You're so shallow," Ethan said, shaking his head at me. I punched his arm.

"Look who's talking! You've slept with all the good-looking sorority girls!" I exclaimed.

"Not all of them!" Ethan defended. Our eyes met and we broke into laughter. When we settled down, he asked, "So, when are you meeting him?"

"Friday night. He's taking me to dinner and then we're going to go see a play," I said.

"Pshhh. Sounds lame," he said. I shoved him.

"Just because you're so cheap, doesn't mean everyone else is!" I exclaimed.

A Daydream AwayWhere stories live. Discover now