Chapter Twelve

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The Boy Next Door-

This is just a little bit to tide you guys over until I can get the rest typed up, which will not be until sometime after the first. I have to get a new keyboard and mouse, on top of waiting for my wrist to heal. -_-  I do have the rest wrote, it's just not typed, yet.

Chapter Twelve:

He was pathetic. Completely and utterly pathetic… It was disgusting… It was… almost enough to have him pulling his ear away from the door. Almost but not quite.

Instead, Colton pressed the side of his face harder against his door, straining to hear what was being said as Samara led her mother into her apartment. He chose to ignore the voice inside his head-which sounded way too much like his sister-in-law’s to suit him-calling him a stalker in that sweet way only Avery could manage.

He was not being a stalker. He was a concerned… Um, what did the humans call it?… Boyfriend! Yes, that was it. He was just being a concerned boyfriend, not a stalker. Although, technically he wasn’t her… boyfriend, was he? Ah hell, he didn’t really care. He’d never bothered with technicalities before, so why start now?

“Let me shower and change and we can go.” Samara murmured none-too-happily to her mother and Colton frowned at the grumble in her voice. He could hear as she stomped away from her mother and that had him second-guessing his insistence that Samara have lunch with her.

The woman had seemed nice enough, but there had been a gleam in her eyes as she had stared her daughter down. A gleam he was only now recognizing as one he had seen many times in the eyes of his own kind. When an elder shifter was searching for any sign of weakness in one of the younger shifters in their pack. The elder shifters were sticklers for the old ways when any type of weakness was frowned upon-and sometimes beaten out of the shifter. 

And that is what he had seen in in the eyes of Samara’s mother. The same superiority that had been in the Elders eyes when Noah had been called before The Council before he could take over as Alpha Male. As though Samara was somehow beneath her.

And you convinced Samara to have lunch with the woman. Way to go, jackass. Now that voice sounded too much like his youngest brother, Luca. Hell, Colton could almost picture his kid brother rolling his baby blue eyes at him for his stupidity and he wasn’t even on the same continent! That was just fucking terrific.

He finally gets it to the point where none of his brothers would even dare barge into his apartment like they all did at Noah and Avery and now he was hearing them in his head. Yippee.

Frustrated, Colton banged his forehead on the door and contemplated the wisest way to rescue Samara from her mother but the blaring ring of his phone interrupted his thoughts and he growled, stalking into the kitchen where the cordless phone he’d just plugged back in the day before sat by the sink.

Not the smartest place to put it, he knew, but if the phone happened to end up in the sink and be ruined by the water… well, he certainly wasn’t going to complain. The only thing he really had to worry about was any fire hazard. ‘Cause, God knew, his mother started enough of those all on her own. 

“What the hell d’ya want?” He barked-literally-at the person on the other end of the line, wincing only when the shrill squawk of his mother’s voice shouted back at him. I don’t really sound like her… do I?

“Colton Andrew Frost! I know you did not just bark at me, young man. Your father taught you better than that, I know he did.” Delia Frost sniffed. “I told him to.”

“Sorry ma,” He apologized once he had deemed it safe to put the phone back to his ear. Damn, but she may have actually burst his eardrum this time. “You caught me in a bad mood.”

“Oh? And here I would have thought you’d be in a good mood by now.” She mused and Colton didn’t have to be looking at her to know his mother was grinning. “How is my future daughter-in-law? Or have you worked the poor girl into exhaustion already?”

“Here’s a thought, how about we not talk about my sex life. That okay with you? Great.”

Delia sighed. “Honestly, you boys are just like your father. Your minds are always in the gutter… Why do you automatically assume I am talking about your sex life? You could be like Griffin, you know, making that poor girl do your laundry.” She murmured incurious innocence.

The innocence had him snorting-and laughing.

“Alright, alright.” She muttered. “Forget I said anything…. But, do you need my help with Samara? Because I can-”

“No!” Horror at the ways his mother could possibly bethinking of to “help” him flashed through his veins and it took him a moment to realize he had screeched at her. “I mean-uh, thank you but no. That won’t be necessary.”

“Well… if you’re sure… Things are going well with Samara, then?”

“Yea, they are actually.” Well, they had been until her mother had interrupted them…, which reminded him-

Colton walked back to the door, pressing his ear back to the wood as he listened for any sound coming from Samara’s apartment. The shower was running, but other than that and the slight sounds of her mother tinkering around somewhere in the apartment it was quiet. Well, that was a good sign, right? 

“Is she there with you?”

His mother’s voice had him jerking away from the door guiltily. “Uh, no. She just left, but that’s not why you called, is it?” If she had really wanted to know how things were between them, Delia would have just called Samara herself. 

“No, it’s not. Although, I am glad to hear you haven’t frightened the poor girl off again.” She chastised and he felt the blush that built from his neck up. “But, I was actually calling for your brother. He needs you-and the others-to meet him at the pack house as soon as possible.”

“Why? What happened?” The only time Noah ever called for a meeting at the pack house was when he had big news and it was usually never good news.

“I honestly don’t know. He wouldn’t say anything more, but he was adamant that you get to the house as soon as possible.”

Well, that did not sound good.

Short! Short, short, short, I know. I apologize, but it's the best I can do right now. 

BTW, I know the vid and gif are from Supernatural but he really is adorable and his scream, imagine that as Colton's response when Delia asks if he wants her "help".

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