Chapter Fifteen

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The Boy Next Door-

 Dedicated to Maddeandkatie for the beautiful cover on the side.

Not edited. Please forgive any mistakes, the spellcheck on my computer has problems.


It started in the middle of the night. “It” being the most obnoxiously loud-and slightly terrifying-sound she had ever before heard. A sound so horrendous in volume that it immediately had her flashing back to all those monsters her seven year old self had been positive were lurking beneath her bed and closet. Monster she had, almost every night, forced her father to look for and that he always assured her never existed.

But this… this noise was exactly what she had always imagined those nonexistent monsters sounded like. And now they were invading her apartment!

The sound increased in volume, lasting on and on until Samara finally gave in on attempting to ignore it and rammed her elbow into Colton’s ribs. Bravery was not her strong point and she readily admitted that… now if she could just get Colton to wake up. Once, twice, three times she jabbed at him with her elbow before he finally snorted in her ear and wrapped his arms tighter around her middle…

And went right back to sleep.

“Colton,” she hissed, wiggling around in his hold-as much as he allowed her to, anyway-until she was able to roll over and face him. “Colton, wake up.” She poked his cheek and got no reaction. “Hello, anyone home?” She sang, tapping his forehead with her index finger… Nothing. 

Fighting off a sigh of exasperation, she nearly managed to convince herself to investigate that damn noise herself when it grew louder and she cringed, , wondering what kind of horrible monsters that noise could belong to.


The big sleeps-like-the-dead lug sighed, a dimple flashing grin curling his lips. “I have a nice ass?” He snickered. “No, you have a nice ass.” Then, as if to prove his point, both of his hands slid slowly down her back, grabbing onto the cheeks of her rear.

Although thoroughly entertained with his unconscious murmuring, she could no longer pretend to ignore that damn noise! Therefore, Samara did what little Leo had seemed to love doing to Colton and his younger brother Ian-What if the monsters had him?-the night before.

She grabbed his nose between her thumb and forefinger, squeezed and waited. She didn’t have wait very long, either.

His mouth and eyes snapped open simultaneously and he glared. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” His voice came out high and nasally, but she was too distracted with that noise to laugh.

Instead, she put her finger to his lips. “Do you hear that?” Samara whispered, suddenly afraid she was losing her mind. Again.

“Yes, I-will you let go of my nose?” He smacked her fingers away himself, rubbing his nose. “Yes, I hear it. Is that why you-”

“What the hell is it?” And if he had heard it, how the hell had he managed to stay asleep!?

Colton rolled his eyes. “It’s nothing to worry about, trust me.” He laid his head back down on the pillow and closed his eyes. With a yawn he said, “It’s just Ian snoring.”

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