7: Sienna

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  • Dedicated to Miche! One of my besties

LOVE QUOTE OF THE DAY! ( A/N: i know its cheesy but just go with it)

"Love conquers all; and let us submit to love". Virgil

&&&& Chase POV &&&&

I woke up with a smile on my face. I hadn't seen Piper for awhile and last night reminded me of why I constantly missed Piper. She had been my best friend until she met Rilee. Then they formed a little cult of girls. It was Piper, Rilee, Emily, Irena, Mae, and Jo. They were the funniest little things. They would always quiet down when I came near so I was always bugging them but Piper... Piper always had confidence. She'd tell me off or to go away. She had always been one of those girls to capture guys' hearts. She used to be nervous little firecracker when we were middle grades. I would walk up to her and she would be as shy as a new girl on her first day of school in a new city. Then she would warm up again and dent your ego. Boys used to try and pick on her but I never let it happen. Neither did she for that matter. She said some pretty violent stuff to this one boy who said she needed to speak up. I shivered when I recalled that memory. He cried and told a teacher who went to talk to Piper about this. She pulled out the 'i didn't do anything. i'm a good girl.' act of hers and she didn't get in trouble. From then on, Piper became my little back up when I needed her. Her parents left for a while because Mrs. Peters was having a baby. When we reached high school time, Piper's dad died from a tresspassing incident. Her mother had just had a baby. Her mother was so heart broken that she killed herself so she could be with Piper's Dad. She left Piper with a two year old. She came back with the baby. Sienna is almost 4 right now. Her birthday is soon. Piper said she planned on staying with this pack. I hope so. It was hard without Piper. The girls drifted apart and Mae filled Piper's spot. This was the final straw. After we lost Jo...... it was hard for all of us. Mae, Rilee and Piper have the most hatred for Mr. and Mrs. Colton for what they did to Jo. She didn't deserve what they did to her. All she wanted to do was give them cookie she baked for them. I told her it was a bad idea to go over to their house.

--------------------- Flashback ------------------------------

I leaned across the counter watch Jo bake cookies.

"Is it done yet?" I asked smiling. That was the sixtieth time I asked Jo in ten minutes.

"No." She exclaimed annoyed

"How 'bout now?" I asked again. The timer went off and she pulled out the cookies. She grabbed one and dropped it back down on the sheet.

"They are hot." She said blowing on her fingers.

"Are they cool, yet?" I asked her. She stuck her tongue out at me. Totally Jo. She flipped her brown hair to over her shoulder and  looked at me with her brown eyes. She made eye contact with me then picked up a cookie without looking. She pulled it up to her lips and took a bite.

"Mmm. Delicious." She said, taunting me. I picked one up and took a big bite of it. It was on fire. I dropped it.

"Hot. Hot.Hot." I screamed . I glared at her and she laughed.

"Who are these cookies for anyway?" I asked her after downing a glass of water.

"The Colton's." She said. This was when our packs were barely beginning their rivalry

"Uhhh.  I don't think that's a good idea, Jo." I said. She put her hands on her hips.

"And why not?" She asked me

"Because. You know what's going on in the pack right now." I reminded her. 

"Well it doesn't have to affect us." She said clucking her tongue.

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