Chapter 1

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''Yugyeommm vs ....G-Dragon!''

I pricked my ears, hoping to God that they were deceiving me at that moment in time. Excitement gradually infected everyone around me and whispers spread, saying that this was going to be one interesting brawl. Finally, no more children pretending to know how to fight. No, this was the real deal.

Was that why my heart was pounding in my chest?

I pushed myself through the crowd, as close as my measly status would allow me. I could, however see the contestants clearly. Yugyeom's tousled hair stuck to his forehead,matted with blood, sweat and dirt. He smirked at his opponent, the infamous G-Dragon. My G-Dragon.

It was that moment my head decided would be appropriate for a flashback, one to how we met. He'd given me a few tips in the training area. The irony was, that at that training session I'd knocked out a few of his teeth, as well as breaking his nose, using his own moves. It was rather comical. You weren't likely to forget those type of things. I took it as a sign that we were meant to become close friends.

The music started playing, and the boys began to circle each other like dogs. There was tension, but I could see Yugyeom's open smirk and I felt a stab of sympathy for G-Dragon. "He's  dead meat, only he doesn't know it yet," some beefy blonde giggled beside me and it took me all the self control I had to restrain myself and not to smash his face in.

G-Dragon was the first to strike. You idiot! I knew Yugyeom was impatient. I'd watched so many of his fights. If only G-Dragon'd waited.

G-Dragon lunged towards Yugyeom's left, where he knew Yugyeom was nursing a broken knuckle. Idiotic. Yugyeom caught his jaw with his left knee instead. G-Dragon was sent sprawling in the dirt, but Yugeom didn't go and finish. He was bored, and G-Dragon was his toy.

My knuckles were white from clutching the rusted railing. Come on, G-Dragon.

G-Dragon got up, blood leaking steadily from his mouth. He had a new emotion in his eyes. That pang of fear, that had no place in the arena.

He was more wary this time but it was no use. Yugyeom grabbed for him, and GD tried to jump over him by launching himself off a nearby car. Yugyeom was smarter, and caught the boy by his foot and almost slammed him off the arena wall . I saw GD's head jerk on impact.

I heard a sharp intake of breath, only to realise it was my own.

He lay there, unmoving.

The crowd was yelling at Yugyeom to finish him, but he just spat in the boy's direction and left through the doors, not even bothering. That swine had no pity.

The medics ran out on to the arena and placed G-Dragon's broken body on to a stretcher. There was a slim chance he would pull through. If not... at least there'll be a person mourning him.

Anger surged through me and I shoved my way through the crowd towards the table for submission. ''I want to fight.''

''There's a que kid.'' The small neat stack of won caused the man behind the counter to raise an eyebrow. ''And your name is?''

''I'm Zee. And I want to go up against. Yugyeom.''

* * * * *

The man burst out laughing. ''You? Against Yugyeom?''

I nodded curtly. He scanned my face to see if I was serious. Apparently I was. I saw a pang of worry in his face. ''You sure kid? You saw what he did with that boy a second ago.''

My face was stony. ''I was never more sure.'' He sighed and turned towards the loudspeaker. ''Challange battle! Zee versus Yugyeom.''

I saw Yugyeom whirl around, turning his head away from his friends and towards his His expression changed instantly from victorious to skeptical as he assessed my small build. I met his gaze, and it felt like he looked right into my soul.

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