And so it begins.

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“Your Majesty.” Charlotte kneels in front of the vampire King of Mississippi, who was appointed so after the unfortunate happenings of the former King, Russell Edgington. As she bows her head her red hair frames her face, hiding her face.

“Charlotte Pickering.” He greets her with a smile and offers his hand to her. “Please, stand.” Charlotte takes the large hand of her King and pulls herself to her feet.

“Sire, I visited a vampire of mine and got the information you asked for.”

“A vampire of yours?” The King walks towards to front door of his home and whispers something into one of the guard’s ears, the guard nods and leaves the house. “I did not know that you were a maker.”

“I am, of two, Sire.” Charlotte put her hands into the pockets of her jacket, lazily.

“And what have you learnt?”

“The human and my vampire are growing close; I suggest we seize her while it is still legal to do so.” She follows the King as he walks away to another room. “Before he claims her as his own, your Majesty.”

“From what I have heard of you, you don’t much care for the law anyway.” The King pushes open two large oak doors and enters his dining room. There is a table placed in the middle of the room with eight chairs on either side and two at either end. The ceiling is domed and all the walls are covered in intricate paintings. Charlotte studies one particular painting on the wall to her left.

It is a fairy, with long blonde hair blowing in an imaginary wind. She laughs at the idea of this myth, fairies with irresistible blood that could let you walk in the sunlight. A vampire holds the fairies neck and shows its blood soaked fangs. Two fang marks leak blood down the fairies neck and stain her beautiful white gown. The vampire stands in the sun, drinking from the mythical being but has thrust the fairy into darkness and shadows.

“My decorator didn’t get out much.” The King chuckles. “But don’t tell me you wouldn’t want to do it if you could.”

“Why would I want to thrust a creature that lives and thrives off of sunlight into darkness?” Charlotte cocks her head, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Why, indeed?” The King smiles, showing his ancient fangs which he rarely hid. “Take a seat.” He pulls a chair out for Charlotte and she sits, the King pushes the chair under as she lowers herself.

“The Human can glamour vampires.” The King shows no emotion as he takes a seat next to her, he clasps his hands and sighs as he looks to her again.

“You may have to repeat yourself; I don’t think I heard you correctly.”

“You did, Sire. She can glamour vampires.”

“You realise, Miss Pickering, that in order to control one’s mind, the brain must be alive.” He raises an eyebrow and his eyes flicker to the door as a Human enters the dining room carrying a wooden tray. Balanced on the tray are two wine glasses filled with a thick, red liquid.

“I do.”

The Human is an attractive female and Charlotte smiles as she leans over her to place a glass on the table. The Human sways her hips as she approaches the King. “It’s mine, Hyam.” She smiles seductively as she hands the King the blood. He has short, spiky hair that has been recently dyed a mousy brown, his eyes are a gorgeous grey and a small beard outlines his strong jaw.

“Thank you, Rita.” He nods and takes a sip. “Devine.” He smiles and the Rita blushes, batting her eyelids.

The Human leaves with one more flirtatious look to Hyam. “Ironic, isn’t it?” The King addresses Charlotte again.

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