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Harry and Daphne were never without love since they were reunited. The pair was inseparable, one rarely being seen without the other. They became a staple in Holmes Chapel, local celebrities. 

When Harry and Daphne returned to the bakery the following morning after Daphne’s hospital visit they found the bakery in pristine condition. The wood that covered the main window of the store front was down and a brand new piece of glass was installed. The inside of the bakery was wiped clean of all the nasty words that had been forced over the light blue paint. The glass case was no longer cracked. Everything was back to the way it was before that dreaded night.

As Daphne and Harry walked into the kitchen they saw everything cleaned and ready to cook. Even Daphne’s once broken and dented bakeware sat perfectly stacked with a small card only containing a little heart and an ‘A.’ The pair knew exactly who had fixed their bakery and they couldn’t have been more grateful.

Daphne was able to learn how to control her gift now that she was in love. Granted there were days that it was uncontrollable, most specifically the morning after Harry proposed to her, the days following their wedding, and the day Daphne found out she was pregnant. The town seemed to catch on when big life events affected the couple because in reality they were affected too.

The bakery never went under, granted the couple struggled for the first year together as they paid off the debts slowly but surely. There were nights that the pair didn’t think that they could do it; how they would live at the bare bones. It got hard, but they had each other to soften the blow that life often dealt.

The bakery steadied itself out and managed to work. Daphne and Harry started a small mail order business and were able to gain extra income from sending their goods all over the world. It was amazing who would pay money to have cookies sent to them internationally. It also helped that the cookies still managed to keep a bit of magic in them for that long.

Years went on and the couple stayed strong. They weren’t without fights and disagreements because that was what love was. Sometimes you didn’t make sense to one another or the lines of communication got crossed but they always managed to find an agreement. They would rather take on a day of being angry with each other than happy without the other by their side.

The bakery maintained its charm perhaps only changing when Daphne and Harry welcomed a little girl into their lives. It was scary because Daphne didn’t know if their children would share some of the same gifts that she had or if they would be completely normal. It was hard to tell at first, she couldn’t talk or express any of the gifts other than making everyone around her fall in love with her. Of course, people tended to fall in love with babies anyway; it didn’t take much to do that.

As their daughter grew it was clear that there was something special about her. She was intelligent and responded to her mother regardless of what language she spoke, French, Greek, or English. She would always manage to calm people down, always wanting to hug someone or be attached to her father’s leg. It was clear that the little girl would be special but probably wouldn’t hold the same amount of powers as her mother.

Harry and Daphne brought her up the way they wanted, of course Harry’s mother, Anne, was always wanting to spend time with her granddaughter. Harry and Daphne never minded that too much because it gave them time to be alone again and enjoy the quiet moments that they often missed in the whirlwind of their lives.

When she was old enough, Daphne and Harry would bring their daughter into work and allow her to watch and help in any small way should could. She even had her own little apron that matched her mother’s. She would stand on a little step stood in front of her father and greet the customers who came in to purchase their sweets for the day.

“Hi!” The little girl would squeak, “My name is Darcy Apple-Anne Styles!” She’d announce proudly to every person who would walk in.

Harry looked down at the small girl, one large hand on top of her brown mop of curls. The little girl would raise her short arms and try to bat her father away from her hair.

“You’ll ruin my curls, Daddy!” Darcy would squeal before she would look up with her own gray eyes and give him the sternest look she could muster before she would try to help the customers.

“You’re just like your Granny Apple.” Harry teased back watching as the girl would toss her curls to one side of her face and would step down to help Harry place each order into their box.

“You know she hates it when you call her that!” Daphne called, knowing there had been a few times when the Goddess would send Harry little messages. Aphrodite was vain and hated the idea that somewhere on the planet someone was calling her a grandmother.

When the last customers were served Harry picked up his darling daughter in his arms and kissed her over and over, attacking her with love as she screamed out in fits of giggles. Harry’s tall form strode into the kitchen and he smiled when he saw his lovely wife frosting a batch of cupcakes. Daphne’s eyes flicked up at the pair and she smiled. She had never been sad since Harry was back in her life and now with their daughter Daphne didn’t know if she could ever think about death the same way again. Her daughter’s laugh had become her alarm clock, her smile the sunshine, those big gray eyes and bouncy hair was the contract to her happiness.

As Daphne’s eyes looked up at Harry and Darcy she just shook her head in disbelief and leaned forward to kiss her husband and then her daughter.

“What’s that look for, Mummy?” Darcy asked as she studied her mother’s expression.

Daphne smiled and let her eyes drift from her husband’s face to her daughter’s.

“I’m happy, ma bichette.” Daphne said in a sweet voice.

“Me too, Mummy.” Darcy replied as she hugged her arms around her father’s neck and kissed his cheek.

“Are you happy, Daddy?” Darcy asked as she pressed her forehead to her father’s temple.

“The happiest,” Harry whispered. 

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