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Hellooo!!So here is the update but for the next chap I'll need 2o votes and 6 comments,I know I'm asking too much!But please guys!I would love to see more longer comments!As soon as you vote and comment I'll update sooner,the next chap is already written!So please guys ! Luv you xx!

Daphne gasped as she dropped her sweater from her shoulders and down her arms, the heavy material dropped quickly to the dark sand of the shore underneath her. The November wind was cold and unforgiving, causing small bumps to rise on her bare skin that was open to the elements. She took another step, leaving a small ballet flat as she stepped forward, and then leaving the other as her bare feet now sunk into the wet sand. 

She trembled as she stared out into the horizon of the morning sun. 14 days. She had been alone for 14 days. She thought it was going to get better but it wasn’t. Her money was gone and she was sleeping out of her car. She had lost the will to live without love in her life. She knew what it was like now, what everyone seemed to rave about, where the source of happiness came from and suddenly it was gone. She knew that there would never be another like Harry and if he had forced himself out of love with her, what point was there?

As she inched closer to the water she looked over at the bridge and wondered for a moment if she just should’ve jumped from that high point. She could’ve allowed herself the sudden rush of cold water and broken bones. She may be knocked unconscious or maybe become stuck to the bottom of the river, drowning in the icy clutches of Mersey’s current.

She didn’t want to go that way. She wanted to be slowly eased into the dark abyss, wrapped around in the silky waters that she had come to find solace in. She hoped that her mother would come and guide her to the underworld. If Harry could take the easy way out, so could she. Death was the solution for a life without love.

As Daphne found the place where the water rushed along the sand she dipped down and found a soft place to lie in the sand. It was cold, the wetness of soft earth beneath her inviting. It was like when you crawled into your bed at night; the sheets would be cold but it was refreshing, allowing your warmth to create the safety you desperately needed to sleep. 

Daphne let out a small pained noise as the water rushed up quickly against her bare legs, her cotton dress giving her barely anything to protect her from the biting cold that the water held in its grasp. She prayed her mother was near, that she would warm the water as she always did, making it bearable as she found endless sleep in death. As the water crept around her, the tide rising to cover her legs and arms, she wondered if this was the case.

Daphne looked up at the sun rising, the sky above her showing a beautiful light blue and pink clouds that scribbled across the sky like candy floss at a carnival. Daphne smiled faintly even as her body screamed in pain, it was at least a beautiful way to go. She wouldn’t have to think about love, or Harry’s face, she wouldn’t have to worry about the past or the pain she had gone through. She could focus on the beautiful sky the Gods created and Eos brought to life every morning.

She did think back to the past two weeks without Harry and how painful it was. She traveled through England, starting at the northern most point and working her way down. She came back up through the western side of the country and ultimately ended back in Runcorn. It was funny that she always seemed to return to the places that seemed familiar; it was humorous for someone who was always trying to lose themselves. Humans were creatures of habit even though they would deny every step they made.

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