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Harry was actually nervous for the day he had planned with Daphne. He didn’t really understand why he was nervous; he had taken out girls before it wasn’t like this was new to him. He supposed it was because it wasn’t just any girl he was taking out, it was Daphne. She was the new girl. The hot gossip. Her name was on everyone’s lips.

Harry walked the short distance to Daphne’s place, he recalled her mentioning that she was renting a room but he wasn’t sure who she was staying with. As he approached the house he felt his fingers run through his curls, pushing them away from his face before he straightened the jean jacket he wore to protect him from the brisk autumn chill in the air. As he walked up to the quaint house, he looked down at his phone and saw that it was 11 a.m. precisely. 

He had remembered the house belonging to an older woman in the town, her kids had gone away to college in Leeds and being a divorced woman it made sense that she possibly wanted some company in the house. He slowly walked up to the house and knocked on the door. He was surprised to see it open so suddenly, Daphne standing behind it looking quite adorable.

“Morning Harry!” Daphne squealed with excitement as she took in his cool smile and approving look.

“Morning Daphne, you look… amazing.” He paused, his cheeks turning pink as he eyed the girl in her attire.

She had her hair down, that was the first thing that Harry noticed. Her auburn hair was straight but curled towards the bottom as it rested just near the middle of her arms. Her bangs hung across her eye line, allowing her gray embers to sparkle happily at him. She was wearing a pretty navy dress that was belted at her waist and large gray sweater that covered her from the chill outside. Her feet were covered by a pair of simple canvas shoes and as Harry took a closer look at them he noticed her toes wiggled underneath in anticipation.

“Thank you, Harry.” She said in a softer tone as she reached for her bag and pulled it over her shoulder before she stepped down to meet him on the porch.

“Are you ready to show me around today?” She asked as she began to walk down the path, looking back over her shoulder at Harry as he took a few long strides to catch up to him. She let her eyes trail his, watching as he came up quickly and opened the gate to escort her out.

“Of course I am,” he said as he watched her step in front of him and he quickly shut the gate and escorted her down the sidewalk.

“There’s not much to see though,” Harry said sadly, “I hope that doesn’t disappoint you too much.”

“Nonsense!” Daphne laughed as she reached out to touch his arm gently, “I moved somewhere small because I wanted to. I wasn’t expecting anything lavish. I’m sure we’ll have a lovely day together, darling.” She said sincerely before letting her hand drop from his arm.

There was that word again, darling. It struck him so deeply; he always wanted to be called that. He wanted to be called love, and sweetheart. He wanted to call her those things too. Harry reached out and held out his hand to her, smiling softly.

“What’s that for?” She asked quietly but took it anyway, her hand clasping around his own.

“The other day when we delivered all those sweets you could barely keep up with me. I don’t want to lose you.” He said sincerely as he felt her warm hand grasp his. He couldn’t help but smile at her, his green eyes sparkling with happiness.

“You won’t lose me, Harry. It’s not like we’re in London or something.” She teased, giving his hand a squeeze before the pair continued their walk.

“Good. You’re like a good luck charm. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.” He told her truthfully. His statement made her flush pink and she pulled a bit of her hair to cover her face as they walked. He looked over at her and just smirked at her, finding her adorable.

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