Chapter 10 - Jeremy - Picture of Jeremy

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Chapter 10

Abhy’s P.O.V

 I realized it was 5 in the morning, I’d only had 3 hours of sleep last night, we were supposed to head out somewhere, I think I was the only person that didn’t know where we were going. Apparently aunt Becci had already booked the plane tickets already.

Jade shuffled beside me I saw her walk out of the room quietly she probably thought I was asleep. I got up after her too walking to my bathroom I grabbed some sweats and a hollister t-shirt and walked into my shower. I settled for a hot shower, I needed something to help me relax.

I wrapped my towel around me and walked out of the bathroom. I rummaged through my dresser looking for my hair brush, I heard the door open, but I didn’t pay attention It was probably Jade, she had left her straightner in my room. I groaned in frustration my hair was starting to dry and it wasnt even combed yet. I decided to check in Jades bathroom, I turned around and gasped.

“Sean” I whispered surprised. He was smirking at me as he folded his arms “Now you make me wonder how good you would look without that towel on” he whispered back.

I frowned “how long have you been here for” I questioned angrily. But Sean didn’t stop smiling “enough to know your looking for something” he said as he tried to wrap his arm across my waist. I pushed him away angrily, I looked into Seans eyes, he looked amused, but I wasn’t.  “Get out” I asserted.

“Abhy I was just joking, im sorry Abhy, don’t get mad” Sean said looking concerned.

“fine ill leave” I said

I stalked out of the room leaving Sean behind me; I walked into Jades room and burst into tears. I hadn't realized Jade was already inside, she ran to me asking me what was wrong. But I couldn’t answer her. I know I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on Sean he didn’t know anything.

“What happened Abhy” Jade asked for the 7th time.

I wiped away my tears, and started to speak, but I realized Jade had known me for only 2 years, “you don’t know Jade, you’ve only known me for 2 years” I sighed. Jade wrapped an arm around me “Abhy I know everything, I’ve been with you your whole life, It doesn’t matter if Becci shifted, I still have all the memories, im guessing this is about Jeremy isn't it?”.

I held back a gasp, she did know, but i was also relieved I wouldn’t have to explain anything. “I can’t tell him, he’ll be disgusted by me Jade”.

“No Abhy, you have to tell him it’s not your choice, you’ll be spending an eternity with him, and I think he’ll appreciate it if you told him rather then him finding out.”

 “An eternity, I may be dead in the next week” I snorted in response, I saw Jades eyes soften at my snarky response. “Never say that again Abhigal, im not going to let anything happen to you, even if it costs me my life” she said firmly. I suddenly regretted what I had said, I was really thankful to have such a great friend, too bad I didn’t have anyone in particular to thank.

“I’ll tell him Jade on the plane ride, I promise, but before you get ready could you tell me where were going and why, and what happened to Nicole and Josh”

Jade laughed at my sudden out burst “Well first thing first, I never imagined having this conversation with you in your towel, but we are going to Germany, we are going their because that’s where your fathers body was buried. We can only get rid of the curse if were on German soil. And ummm I had to do a little bit of a compulsion spell on Josh and Nicole, they think you had to go back home for an emergency, im sorry Abhy I know its not the best way but that’s the only way they can be safe.”

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