Love Me. . . .If You Dare (1)

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"Honey.....honey, wake up. We're here." I faintly heard my mom's voice. 

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. My 'big' brother, Andy, was next to me in the backseat of our mimi-van. I looked ahead and I saw both my mom and dad turning in their seats to look back at me giving me reassuring smiles. Ugh, screw them. They were the ones that made me leave my home and friends in the first place. They don't get to give me reassuring smiles before they take me back first. Reassuring my ass.

I used to live in Massachusetts. Lovely state with the city of BOSTON? Ever heard of it? Note the freakin sarcasm. I had my friends there. My house there. My LIFE there. And because my mom got a new job in was off we went. Wup-di-fucking-do.

What was worst is that it was MID-YEAR and my brother and I would have to start all over again at our new school. My brother, Andrew - Andy for short - was my twin. We are both juniors. Our birthdays are on May 12th - so we were both still sixteen. He was older by two minutes and thirty-seven seconds though. . . . and he never let me forget it. Gotta love him. Again - note the sarcasm. 

But I love Andy, he's the best brother anybody could ever have. I love him so much and I have no idea what the hell I would do without him. But I wouldn't say that he was my "other half". . . .that's what my best friend, Tyrone, was for.

And that was the ONLY good thing about us moving to Florida. Tyrone had moved here with his family - his parents and his two little sisters, Becky, nine, and Olivia who was 6 now - a couple years ago when we were freshmen. We grew up together and we still kept in touch these last few years. And we've gone to go see each other every chance we've gotten. And he was also going to the school Andy and I would be attending. 

I missed him soooo much. Even though I had seen him last month for Winter Break. 

"Nick," Andy said. And that's my name. It's short for Nichole. "You need to get up. We have a lot to unpack." He rubbed my arm soothingly.

I looked back at him and smiled. Knowing that he also hated having to say those words. I wasn't the only one who was pissed about moving. Andy was too. But he never let it show. He was my backbone - and he and I both knew that of he gave way. . . .I'd lose it. I know that it may be selfish, but I needed him, and he didn't protest.

I sat up slowly. I opened the slide door of the van only to be swarmed by hot air and a very light breeze. I had a sweatshirt on from when we were still in Massachusetts, so I put my long, wavy, dirty-blonde hair into a messy bun before i got out of the car. 

Andy made his way around the car and he was beside me almost instantly. But he had this look in his eyes. A look I have seen many times. The look that meant that he knew something that I didn't. 

I gave him a questioning look.

He suddenly grinned widely and said, "Maybe you should go see your room before you start to unpack. You know just to get the feel of it all." He nudged me in the direction of the house. And that was when I finally looked at it.

It was a nice light brown-tannish color with white shudders. And it was HUGE. I know that we had money, but our house in Massachusetts was just average. Nothing like this. It had dark brown double front doors. And it had a beautiful front lawn. I took the liberty of walking to the side to look around the back.

There was a white, see-through gate. Behind it was a pool. 

We had a pool! I've always wanted a pool! I love to go swimming! I turned around to look back at Andy, "Is this why you were grinning?" I said motioning my hand towards the pool.

"No, but it is nice, huh?" Andy said, peeking at it from behind me. "But go one upstairs and see your room. It's the second room on the left. And here's a box of only some of your summer clothes so you can change into shorts and a tank or whatever so you won't be smelling so bad at the end of the day." He said the last part with a smirk as he handed me a cardboard box. 

I stuck my tongue out at him but then gave him a genuine smile that he knew meant 'thank you.'

I heard Andy say to my dad, "Cover you ears for the scream." As I walked away. What the hell was he talking about?

I forgot all about it when I walked into the house and took in my surroundings. It wad paul-urithaned red-oak wooden floors with a off-white walls and moldings. I looked to my right and saw what must have been the dining room, because there stood a lovely red-oak dining table that matched the color of the floors. I looked to my left and saw what must have been the kitchen. It had a nice little island in the middle and a lot granite counter space. It was amazing. I loved to cook and in out old house, out kitchen wasn't too fit for all the things that I wanted to cook over the years. I guess the kitchen was an added plus. 

I then decided that it might just be best to got up to my room and do as Andy said and get acclimated and change clothes. I made my way up the curving stairs with the box still in my hands. I walked past a bathroom that looked like one you would find in an add for a five-star hotel. I put the box down outside the door and took a quick peek inside the bathroom and soon my breath was caught in my throat.

Everything was granite dark brown granite with white gems here and there. The shower was huge and had like five different shower heads. But no bathtub. Just a shower. The toilet was the same granite as the rest of the bathroom. How did you get a granite toilet? What if it ever had to be replaced?

I shook my head of the weird thought. Here I was. . . .moving to the sunshine state and all I was thinking about was toilets? Sad.

So I left this grand bathroom to go and find my room. Thinking the whole way that I would spending a ot of my time relaxing there. I found my room moments later.

It. Was. Huge.

It had the color scheme of a dark-midniht blue. My favorite color. I saw my bed was already put in the center of one the walls. I looked to my left and saw a door and opened it to see a full walk-in closet. Something I have always wanted. I squealed inwardly with joy. 

I turned my head to my right and saw a couple french wooden doors. I opened them to see another bathroom - accept this one was SO much better than the one in the hallway. I didn't even think that was possible! It was. It was bigger and had a bathtub taboot. I loved it.

I walked out of the bathroom and into my room. I saw, though, another pair of french doors and opened them to see a balcony. . . .but there was a man on the balcony.

I panicked and squealed and slammed the doors and searched the room for some kind of weapon.

"Nick! It's me!" I heard. "Nicki! Open up the fucking doors!" I knew that voice.

"No....he didn't." I thought out loud. "It couldn't be....."

I decided to open up the doors and there stood the one and only, "TYRONE!!!" I screamed as I engulfed my best friend in a lethal bear hug as he chuckled loudly.

He picked me up and held me tight and walked us into the room.

"I've missed you so much." I cried as I felt a couple of tears escape my eyes.

"I've missed you too." He replied into the crook of my neck. I felt a little moisture on my neck then, and I had no doubt that at the moment Tyrone and I were crying together out of pure happiness at reuniting once again.



Ok, so I'm new to Wattpad and this is a new story and I'm pretty happy about it. I know that this first chapter was like super boring. But I needed to put a lot of description in so I wouldn't have to put in a lot of it later and focus on the good stuff. ;)

So comment, message, or whatever you do here on Wattpad. I still gotta figure that one out.....the next chapter will probably be MUCH longer than this one was. Sorry about that by the way.

I'll get the next chapter out soon. I really like my ideas for this story.

Thanks so much! I will update soon!

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