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PANEL ONE: Terry's holding his son, looking at Mr. Yanyo with shock and disgust.

TERRY: What is WRONG with you?

YANYO: Hey, I just want what YOU jag-offs got.

YANYO: A little reminder of a special DAY.

PANEL TWO: Yanyo, in flashback again, strangling his beautiful wife, smiling, happy.

CAPTION: That moment, I could live it forever, you know?

CAPTION: Haven't had a moment that sweet SINCE.

CAPTION: Bet she regretted saying no THEN, right?

PANEL THREE: The Candymaker looks at him with contempt, Theo starts to pull a gun (let's make it a full on Buck Rogers ray gun, a futuristic gun, you can go full on Star Trek if you want).

CANDYMAKER: I want you to leave, Mr. Yanyo. Good DAY, sir.

YANYO: YOU want? Who cares what YOU want?

YANYO: Theo? Daddy dearest, please.

PANEL FOUR: Theo shoots Terry in the shoulder, blowing him into the display case, shattering the glass and spattering blood and candy behind him against the wall. Malcolm screams in concern.

FX (gun): zzt


PANEL FIVE: Yanyo smiles, as Theo grabs the kid.

YANYO: The KID next, Theo.

PANEL SIX: Ray rushes to check on Terry, who is alive and conscious, but in terrible pain, but he's only worried about his son.


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