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This is the page where we see them relive their perfect memories.

PANEL ONE: We now see Ray in his memory, I would love to see the next four panels have a wave-like, dreamy border, like an ocean wave this panel, Ray is on the veranda of a beautiful tropical island resort, looking out at the railing. A beautiful woman, his wife, Miranda, is wearing a sarong, facing away, looking out at the setting sun over a beach below them. We don't see her face, she's turned away. Ray is a little bit younger here.

RAY: ...

RAY: Miranda?

PANEL TWO: Malcolm's memory, and again, we want that slow sweep for the border design, if possible, as if we are being swept away to another time. Malcolm is with his father here, Terry. Both are wearing snow clothes, Malcolm is a little younger, so is Terry. Terry's checking Malcolm's skis and ski boots on the bunny hill at a snow resort.


TERRY: We don't have long, Malcolm. Don't...don't think too much.

TERRY: Just remember.

PANEL THREE: More of Malcolm's memory, as Malcolm skis downhill on the bunny slope, his smile a mile wide. Dad may watch proudly from the top of the small slope.

TERRY CAP: Remember the best day, ever, son.

MALCOLM: I'm DOING it, dad!


PANEL FOUR: Ray's memory, as his beautiful wife, who adores him, throws her arms around him. With the sun setting behind them.

MIRANDA: Ray. My beautiful husband.

MIRANDA: Can you forgive me, for dying?

RAY: My darling. My Miranda.

RAY: I miss you. I miss you.

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