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Note to Artist: Hope you have fun with this. My first thought, since the story is kind of bleak, is to have the characters wearing almost Jetson-style clothes, bright colors, little space motifs, that whole Hanna Barbara look for the future. It will be a nice contrast to the grim elements. We want a undetermined but clearly 'space age' future, okay?

The characters are:

THE CANDYMAKER: A kind soul, obese, on short legs with tiny feet. He wears a baker's apron, all shiny and glossy like the rest of his candy-colored outfit, and has a little tiny cupcake (or candy, maybe Candy corn, or a bon bon?) hat on top of his voluminous head. He has a precious teeny thin moustache...inside he thinks of himself as a delicate flower of an arteest.

MR. ELIAS YANYO: This is a bad guy, a monster of a mobster, a middle-aged selfish trust fund baby who has gotten away with everything he's ever wanted his entire life. He covets the happiness of others and has never given any to anyone on the face of the Earth. He is a small man, not at all intimidating physically. But he would run you over in his car if he was in a hurry, or even if he wasn't. He wears something like the 25th century version of club wear, what a young financier who made it rich might wear.

THEO: Theo is Mr. Yanyo's stooge. He is a large, silent brute. Imagine the black Spy from Spy Vs. Spy come to life, but big, like a gorilla, almost. His face never betrays expression. He wears a black suit, hat and glasses. He smiles never. He laughs even less. He is the man who shovels whatever shit Mr. Yanyo asks for and never says a word about it to anyone.

TERRY: Terry is a young man, maybe 25, good looking, but his face is careworn, and he's not rich. He wears a jumper, something casual, but again, a little cartoony space age.

MALCOLM: Terry's son...a smiling, happy, nice kid of six years old, but he is not healthy, he has a bone disease. His eyes are black and sunken, his skin is pallid.

RAY: Ray is a kind, but slightly sad, middle aged African American man, handsome, a bit of a paunch, but with that lovely salt and pepper hair and close-trimmed beard. He's a lonely man since the death of his wife, years ago.


The key of this story is, all the people in it have something they desperately WANT. But what the Candymaker most wants is to be Willy Wonka, the man who puts a smile on everyone's face.

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