Ty Johnson and Anders Johnson (INCEST!)

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“Why what?”

“Why won’t you marry Idunn?”

“Because I don’t want to”

“God dammit Anders”

“It’s not my fault that she’s a physco maniac that hurts guys dicks when she’s having se—-“

“We don’t need to know the details”

“Then why ask? Most importantly why do you even care?” Mike has been having a go at me for hours just because I won’t marry Idunn, I mean if I don’t want to marry Idunn then I won’t marry Idunn.

“Oh, no I don’t care I just want you to marry Idunn because it’s destiny” you selfish bastard!

“Oh, thanks Mike you’re such a nice brother and I’m not going to marry her because I don’t like and I’m in love with someone else” shit why did I say that!

“Oh, who do love then?” as much as I want to tell him i can’t.

“Don’t worry” god dammit I hate myself I really do hate myself.

“No! I’m worrying” I can’t tell you mike!

“Well don’t ok, I have to go do business now so goodbye” that was a lie I just needed to get out of there.

“You’ll tell us sometime Anders” I heard him shout as I was half way passed the door.

“Good to know Mike” I shouted back. I can’t tell him who I’m in love with because this guy is family. I’m in love with……… Ty.


I didn’t talk to them for days probably weeks. I heard there calls and I read there texts but I just can’t talk to them, I mean what would they say to me when I told them I’m in love with Ty and plus Ty doesn’t even love me back well in that way. My thoughts were broken by the sound of my door bell. As I made my way to the door I was chanting in my head ‘please don’t be them please don’t be them’. I opened the door to find Ty with I worried look on his face “hey” he said in his calm, cold voice, I stepped aside to let him in even tho part of me didn’t want to.

“Hey, what’s up” I didn’t even feel like talking.

“What’s up? What’s up with you? You haven’t talked to all of us in weeks! We’re all worried about you.” I heard anger in his tone. Really were they all worried, even mike?

“Really? Yea I totally believe mike was worried” hint the sarcasm there please.

“Yes even Mike. Now please tell me, what’s wrong with you?” I got to admit he did look pretty worried.

“nothing is wrong with me” I couldn’t tell him what was wrong, what was I supposed to say anyway ‘oh nothing’s wrong it’s just that im in love you’ yea, no.

“Oh really? Ok then who are you in love with?” and there it is the question I have been avoiding for weeks.

“Oh just no one don’t worry” I cant avoid it forever can i? I have to tell him.

“Anders, just because I hate you most days doesn’t mean I really hate you. You can tell me!” no not the puppy dog eyes please anything but the puppy dog eyes. God dammit there are thos god damn puppy dog eyes!

“You really want to know? You will regret asking you know” what am I doing I have been avoiding this for god knows how long and im just going to give up that easily? No I wont tell him.

“Yes I want to know!” god dammit.

“Fine I will meet you and the others at the bar in 3-4 hours or so and don’t worry I will be there.” I could see the distrust in his eyes but eventually he sighed and left.


It’s been an hour after Ty came to visit and I am freaking out. Why the hell would I say yes to meeting him and the others at Mikes bar and confessing my love for him!! I am such a dumbass sometimes. I got up off the couch and headed for the shower maybe it will calm me down a bit.

I turned on the shower to a burning hot temperature, I stripped from head to toe and climbed into the steaming shower. The water burned my back but it felt so good! I wonder what a hot shower with Ty would be like because he is the god of cold or whatever, would he make the water cold, would he even warm up? I don’t know and I may never know!

I swore I heard something in my living room but I didn’t bother to look as it could have just been the wind blowing something off. I heard the sound again but didn’t look that time either. I heard someone open my bathroom door, I started to get terrified. I turned my back to the door so then they could only see my backside if they opened my shower door. And that’s exactly what they did. I heard them step into the shower and close the door until I felt a pair of cold, familiar hands grip my shoulders and spin me around and to my surprise it was the person I was in love with, Ty. I was a little confused at first but then I understood. I leaned in a little closer and so did he until our lips touched. It was absolutely amazing, it was gentle and heart fluttering. We pulled back, gasping for breath.

“I think I found out who you’re in love with” what a way to break the silence!

“Haha and I think I have found that out too! But about you” god he is just perfect!

“Ha yea” he was smiling! He was literally smiling. I cant remember the last time I saw him smile and it made me happier because he was smiling because of me.

“But next time don’t make me think your murderer who broke into my house and is trying to kill me” I laughed

“Oh yea sorry bout that” he is bloody amazing!

We finished our shower and had a little sexy time ;).


We arrived at the bar together. I was worried about what they were going to think but I had Ty with me, Ty is my support.

We walked in hand in hand because it might be a easier way to tell them without even telling them. Axl was the first one to notice us “there final-“he cut himself off when he saw our hands. Mike looked a bit angry, Olaf was smiling and idunn was shocked.

“Yes, I know what your all thinking ‘but it can’t be there brothers’ but you must understand that we love each other and nothing’s going to change that” they looked at Ty and he nodded.

“He’s right nothing’s going to change how I feel” he agreed with me.

“that…..is…..bloody….amazing” thank god olaf accept us.

“I got to agree with olaf it’s pretty fantastic” ok olaf and axl accept us, I turned to Mike who had lots of anger in his eyes.

“this is unbelievable” I heard Idunn yell and she stormed out but I didn’t care I keeped on staring at mike waiting for him to say something.

“Mike?” I asked

“I don’t know what to say but….. don’t bring your sex lives into ours” I couldn’t help but at the the last part. I turner to Ty and dragged him forward for a kiss, a long, hard kiss. And from then on I knew that I was going to be happy for the rest of my life!

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