Goodbye my love

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(Drake pov)
I woke up to my stupid alarm ringing....'I hate Monday's !'I think to myself as I get out of bed

After I took a shower and got dressed I went in the kitchen to find my mom drinking an iced mocha

"Morning mom"I say happily poring my self a bowl of Cheerios

"Good morning Drake "my mom says taking a sip of her drink

"I got a call from one of your teachers yesterday saying you got in trouble in class"she says arching an eyebrow

"Yah I know sorry ma won't happen again"I say

"Now that's the good boy Drake I know not the smart Alec teen"my mom says making me glare at her

"Hey mom?"I ask

"Yes drake"she says with a smile

"I've been wondering for a while now,well really since I was eight .....who's my father?"I say and her smile immediately turns into frown

"Drake......."she manages to say .I don't like seeing my mother frown so I guess I won't ask all

"You know what never mind mom,forget I ever said anything"I say reaching for her hand and giving her a smile

"I'm sorry drake I think it's just better for all of us if you don't know"she says

"One day will I ever get to?....not that I want to now....he must be a douche if you don't want me to meet him "I say then chuckle

My mom just smiles back at me but I could see the sadness and hurt in her eyes' one thing for sure though is I'm never bringing this up again'

'Maybe I'll just ask Clark Kent or Lois Lane they seem to be close to my ma.....or maybe I just won't ask at all'

'After all curiosity kills the cat'
'But satisfaction brings it back....'

'Damn Drake !!!!'

'What's wrong with you?! obviously doesn't want me to know for a reason the guys probably a douche!!'

"Son?!...Hello are you in there?!"my mom says snapping her fingers in front of my face

"Sorry mom I was just thinking about school and stuff"I say

"Hera your a worse liar than I am come on your going to be late to school"she says
(Diana pov)
Time skip
Im on a mission fighting the cheetah,for some reason she's ...stronger ,faster,more well equipped

I don't know how much more of this I could take my body is ready to give up.

All of a sudden I feel something sharp go through my back .I fall to my knees in shock...this was the end

'No no no no this can't happen not yet son!!!...I can't leave him he has no family other than....B-Bruce'

'Please Hera no ..I ....I ....C...can't leave my s....son'

Memories flash through my head of me and my mother,friends ,Bruce and I, son the one I'm going to leave alone in this world

Tears start coming out of my eyes and I see Bruce in front of my blurred vision

"Princess...hold on we will get you to the medical bay as soon as possible"he says .Bruce looks really sad,more than the day we ended our relationship

"G...good bye"and with that I let go.
(Bruce/Batman pov)
'She said the words I wanted to hear for years the only thing is...she won't be able to hear me say them back'

'She's gone...the woman I love is gone
She'll never know how much I love waited too long Bruce lost your chance....she's gone Forever'

"Batman what...what happened?"theFlash said sadly

"Cheetah killed her "I say trying to holdback my emotions

Clark then flew down he looked sad everybody here is ...Diana was an amazing woman

"Bruce I think there is something you need to know"he says
'Clark just left...he told me something I never expected...I have a son his name is Drake...I can't believe they never told me'

"Master Bruce,is something troubling you?"Alfred asked

"Yes two things.....two very big things"I say

"And what are those two very big things?"the English butler asked

"Wonder Woman Died"I stated

"Ah yes I am very sorry for this she was the one I hoped you would marry but"he stopped"thing went other ways with you two "he says

"The second thing is she has a son ...he's mine...his name is Drake"I state still in shock

"Well are you just going to sit there or are you going to go find your son?!"he asked

"Thanks Alfred"I said and sighed 'this might be difficult'
Okay so I know I probably shouldn't have made another story but I couldn't help it!!!
Hope you enjoyed

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