7 Most Horrific Ways to Die

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So this is what is  going through my head at 2 in the morning.......

7.Disease                                                                                                                                                                                       Do I really have to explain this?  

6.Falling                                                                                                                                                                                                Once again, Do I need to explain?

5.Being buried alive                                                                                                                                                                    This is on the list because its terrifying. Imagine slowly dying from asphyxiation without anyone contact to any other living animal other than worms.

4.Being strangled by your underwear                                                                                                                            I know it sounds insane but it actually did happen and in two different ways. An Oklahoma man was killed by an atomic wedgie given to him by his stepson. After knocking his step dad unconscious in a fist fight Brad lee Davis accidentally killed his father with his underwear. Yeesh!

3.Death by baseball                                                                                                                                                                   Jim Creighton was killed when he swung a baseball bat so hard that it ruptured his bladder. I don't even... like how did you...

2.Bamboo                                                                                                                                                                                            The tortured is placed above a bamboo shoot and is left there with the plant. As the plant grows it grows through the body. It completely "shoots" through the victim and makes a hole. Myth busters actually proved this right by using a material that acts like skin. Several inches of the material was destroyed by the bamboo in a total of three days. It's freaking scary

And finally 

1.Drink yourself to death..... with carrot juice                                                                                                                Basil Brown actually killed himself this way. I don't know why anyone would even drink carrot juice? Did he want x-ray vision or something? I don't even know at this point.

Buh Bye

Oh and sleep well ;)

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