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*Takes a deep breath*

Happy Halloween, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and any other event that I haven't updated on.

I'm very very sorry

Even though I haven't updated for a while please keep this in your libraries. It's far from over.

I've just been on semi-hiatus. I might continue the hiatus when the holidays end but I have some things planned for my second account.

But this hiatus included my birthday, so in celebration of me getting older, I'll give some small random facts about me.

1. A couple months ago I cried when someone killed a spider. I don't know why but the thought of the spider still gives me misty eyes. Why am I crying? I'm not even joking why???

2. I like white rice more than people should. It's an odd obsession even I didn't see coming.

3. Half the time I look and act as if I am on drugs. I think something triggers this but I'll start not caring what people think of me all of a sudden and speak everything that comes to mind. Examples of thing that I have said in this state include trying to sell this 9 year old non existent crystal meth. There was also this one time where someone stopped me in the street and asked if I was high. Like any normal person would reply, I said "Yes, would you like to buy some weed?" I really need to stop acting like I'm selling before I get put in jail or something.

4. Small things like zucchini bread and pens make me ridiculously happy. GIve me the choice between an Iphone 7 (or something everyone wants) and zucchini bread and you can bet your ass the zucchini bread is mine.

5. Both my siblings are 'big' youtubers. My older sister has 10,000 and my younger brother has 1,000.

6. 'AmiraLikesJazzy' is my username on all social media platforms so you might be able to find me on other websites.

7. I have way too many nicknames. Google, Nightfall, United States of Amirica, and a nickname from my dad that translates to english as "Ugly as dirt/Ugliest on earth". Thanks Dad. I appreciate it.

8. I've been in almost every single fandom. Either I love it, hate it, or have experience with like Percy Jackson.

9. I can't sleep normally if I don't listen to music beforehand. I hate this so much but at least I get to listen to music.

This is one of 2 or 3 chapters I plan on publishing in the next two weeks so if you didn't like this short personal thing don't worry. You can also leave a suggestion for what I should do next.  But if you did enjoy it please leave a question for me and/or my friend Shayma as we will be doing a Q and A on our account. 

Once again thank you so much for reading this. It's hard to express the emotions you guys give me through text. Thank you!

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