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Today I edited and updated my first 5 chapters. I didn't change some of them too much but I did add updates on stories like the eyeball that washed up on the beach, the scratching in my room, and I put in an extra story. The extra story is kinda gross though so sorry. 

I wanted to say thank you to anyone who reads, comments, follows, and votes. 

I made my wattpad account so I could read online and I never expected to write something. I made 10 facts you don't want to know so I could keep myself busy and not think about the scratching from my room. Somehow people found it and it inspired me to become a writer. I even joined writing classes so hopefully my writing becomes better. Thank you everyone!

Here are some things I plan on doing in the future:

For this story (Already Started):

Edit all other chapters

Elisa Lam analysis

Bullying Horror stories

Marina Joyce analysis

Random Short Horror Stories (Ending Chapter)

Possible Future topics for this story:

Social Media


Drug trips



Possible other stories:

Interactive horror

At the end of the hallway

Over the Telephone

One Heck of an Emo Middle School Musical (Written with friends)

Once again thank you for reading (Even if it's half a chapter), commenting (Somehow I haven't seen a mean comment yet :), voting (Makes me want to write more), and following. (Makes me want to write more genres and such)

"I know I sound redundant but my thankfulness is redundant."

10 Facts That You Don't Want to KnowWhere stories live. Discover now