Complications and Explinations

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Blah I decided to leave my previous idea of the doctor and Rose's first night. Just wanted to write more of the actual story :) their first night together still did happen, it just doesn't need to be put into words :))

~Chapter 8
Rose's POV

"There could be...complications." I say to Mum, who sits with me and the Doctor in the TARDIS medical room.
"Complications?" Mum repeats, looking anxious.
"Just a few." The Doctor pitches in, tapping on one of the screens.
"Just a few?" Mum says angrily "I'll give you just a few slaps of you don't tell me exactly what those few things are right now."
"Mum, please. The Doctor's doing the best he can." I say, defending the Doctor.
"Well, I don't know what to expect. There's never been a Timelord/Human pregnancy before..." The Doctor trails off, raking a hand through his hair. Oh, that hair, that's some really great hair...
"And what does that mean?" Mum asks.
"It means, I'm gonna have to get a book. I'll be back, wait here." The Doctor jumps to his feet, and leaves the room, obviously heading for the library.
"I don't like it here." Mum says.
"This place, it gives me the creeps. To spacey-wacey for my liking."
"Right." I say, trying not to laugh. The Doctor comes back almost straight after.
"Well that was quick!" I exclaim.
"Sorry, I'll go back and take longer if you'd like. No, the TARDIS just helped me find the right book, that's all." The Doctor takes a seat by the medical scanner, and I continue to dangle my legs over the bed. "Right, here it is, page 124, Timelord cross-over species. Bla bla bla..." The Doctor scans the page, until he finds what he wants "Ah, the pregnancy will all come down to what species it is that the Timelord has crossed with....bla bla bla...oh yes, here, If the species is human, you can expect these symptoms: nausea, headache, backache, abdominal pain, and swelling of the body. No change from a normal human pregnancy then....oh, hang on, the pregnancy duration period for a Timelord-Human species is...11 months." The Doctor finishes, still holding the book.
"11 months!" I protest "9 is bad enough, but 11?!" I say.
"Oh, I left the iron on, I better go, be back later." Jackie says, the TARDIS obviously still giving her the creeps, she leaves the room.
"I'm sorry Rose but there's nothing I can do to speed up the process." The Doctor says guiltily.
"I know, it's fine, sorry I snapped, it's's all a bit sudden, y'know?" I say, exasperated. The Doctor nods, and comes to stand in front of me, his hands coming to rest on my flat stomach.
"How far along are you?" He asks.
"Well, planet Klaviota was just over 1 month ago. So yeah, about six weeks along," I say.the Doctor leans in and quickly presses his soft lips to mine.
"I'll just run a few tests." He says, moving back over to the scanner. "Right, now this won't hurt a bit, just lie down on the bed for me and lift up your top." He says. I do as he says. "Okay, now just keep your head back and relax." He smiles reassuringly. He takes out a large metal rod, which looks very dangerous. He runs it just cm over my skin, and moves it back and forth a few times, then lifts it up to his face for a closer look. Blue lights flash, and he smiles.
"No problems. Everything's fine." He puts it away.
"Doctor? You said a few tests? That was just one if I counted correctly."
"Well, here's the second one. A memory test." He pulls and armchair up to the side of the bed where I now sit. "I was just wondering if you remember something from your past," He says. I motion for him to continue "Well, a very specific day actually, about 10 years ago. It was in the Amberfall park, just on the corner of your flats. There was a sad man on the swings, and you started talking to him."
"Hmm...sad man...swings...yeah, yeah I do remember. But I can't remember the details..." I trail off, trying to concentrate on that ever so ordinary day 10 years ago.
"Well, that sad man was me." The Doctor says.
"What? How could it be you?" I ask, confused at the thought.
"10 years ago for you, three days ago for me, I went back in time 10 years, just to clear my head and get over not seeing you for 48 hours, when I bumped into a little girl in the park. She told me I looked sad, and asked if I had lost something. I told her no, that it was confusing. But that little girl knew, she asked if I was sad because I had lost someone. Now, how can a little girl know something like that? So much emotion, at such a young age. And I knew, that that little girl must be very special. And when she went home with her mother, her mother turned around, and it was Jackie. So the little girl was you. And I knew then, just how much you meant to me, you've always understood me, just as I have always understood you, even from that young age, you knew what was wrong, and you gave me the courage to go and find you again. You told me that you'd hope I'd find you again. So without you, I would never of felt confident to come and speak to you again." The Doctor finishes, and I smile.
"I remember now," I grin "I do, I do remember. Thank you for talking to me, for coming and explaining." I get up and hug the Doctor, tangling my hands in his hair.
"No Rose, thank you."

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