It's Started

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Chapter 18

-The Doctor's POV


"It's started. She's in labour" the Master says, entering my cell. My head snaps up.

"What?" I say.

"She's giving birth."

"Let me out of here. I have to be with her" I say, pulling on my chains.

"No chance." The master says. At that, a loud scream sounds through the cell. Followed by another. And another. Rose.

"Is she on her own?" I ask desperately.

"No. Lucy's there to deliver the pride and joy. When it's over I'll shove her in this cell with you. I'll decide what to do with the both of you afterward."

"Please, don't touch her, or the baby." I plead.

"I'm afraid it's too late for that Doctor-" another scream "You'll see her soon anyway. Not long now." He gets up and leaves the room. I shake my head.

"No! Come back! Please! She needs me!" I shout, tears starting to fall. I never cry. But Rose needs me, more than ever. And I can't get to her.

"Doctor!" I hear Rose's piecing scream from a few cells down. I grasp hold of the cell bars and sob. There's nothing I can do.


-Rose's POV

"Push!" Lucy shouts. I scream out again in agony, calling the Doctor's name.

"I need the Doctor." I say.

"I'm your Doctor. Now hurry up and push!" Lucy slaps me across the cheek and I cry out from pain. Too much. Too much. The baby pushes again. My baby. I start crying again. What might Mum be doing now? Washing? Ironing? Watching Emmerdale? Whatever it is, I need to think about it to keep me going.

"I can see the head!" Lucy shouts. Yeah, she's probably just sat at home with Mickey. Maybe watching countless episodes of recorded casualty. Lucy holds her hands out my entrance. I completely naked on the concrete floor, nothing to support me. No painkillers. Nothing.

"Get away from me!" I scream.

"No chance." She replies, laughing. I try to keep my baby inside, but it won't stop, it wants to get out. I scream out again.

"One more push!" She shouts. And then it's out. In a hot, slippery rush.

"It's a boy!" Lucy says. I start crying and reach for the baby.

"One hold, and then he's mine." She says. I shake my head and take him from her arms. The master appears at the steel bars and smiles.

"Ah, a little boy. Perfect." He throws me a shirt "put this on! Quick!" He says. Lucy dresses me as I hold tightly to my little boy. Blood is everywhere.

"Don't touch him." I say, holding my crying baby closer.

"I will do as I please." The Master says. Lucy finishes my last button on the shirt and grabs him from my arms.

"No!" I shout, but it's too late. The Master rushes in and grabs me by the arm. I scream in pain and he drags me down the corridor to a cell a few doors down. And then I see him. The Doctor. I scream as I get thrown in beside him. 

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