Tell Us Everything

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Chapter 20 (this is officially longer than "Nowhere Without You")

- Rose's POV

Only a small chapter. Sorry. I will be updating frequently though :)


A while later, I wake to the sound of our cell opening. I both sit bolt upright to find Lucy at the entrance of the cell, bruises all over her face. The Doctor looks up quickly, and moves by my side.

"Don't you touch her." He says, holding an arm in front of me.

"I'm not going to." She shakes her head, and a few tears drop down her face. As much as I hate the girl I can't help wondering what happened to her.

"Where's Matthias?" I ask firmly.

"Matthias?" She replies, a confused expression on her face.

"My baby." I say.

"I couldn't..." She says, shaking her head, and then bursts into tears. The Doctor moves over to her and brings her over to the bed, and sits her down.

"Tell us everything"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She chokes out, and then lifts her head to mine "I should've helped you, I should've...." She trails off again, and bows her head to the ground.

"Tell us everything." The Doctor repeats, and crouches in front of her.

"When Rose had given birth, I took the baby from her and followed the master to a small room. He took the baby from me, and I saw what he was planning to do. I told him no, that he had gone too far. He told me he had wanted the child for us, for our own. But truly he wants something much worse. He wants to raise an army to fight. I'm not sure what for, but he said he needed two time lords to do it, and he knew you wouldn't help him, Doctor, so he's using the baby instead."

"Oh my God." I choke out.

"What army? What for?" The Doctor asks.

"I don't know." Lucy says, shaking her head. More tears forming in her eyes "But I realised what I was doing, and who I'd been helping. I thought I loved him, but not now." She shakes her head "So I took the baby from him, and he turned into a rage. I have never seen anything like it. He carefully put the baby on the side, and then beat me....I wanted to help you and save the baby. But I couldn't. I was knocked unconscious, and when I woke just now, he and the baby were gone."

"Then we need to find him," says the Doctor, standing up "Will you help us, Lucy?" He finsihes. Lucy nods and I sigh in relief. She could be the key to finding Matthias.

"Let's go." I say, and Lucy looks up at me. Her face is bruised and beaten, much like the Doctor's body.

"I'm so sorry Rose." She says with an overwhelming amount of melancholy in her eyes. I give her a light smile and I nod at her with forgiveness.

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