Leaving Him Behind

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Chapter 12 -Rose's POV

The Doctor broke his promise, and now I don't know where he is, or what he's doing....or if he's even alive.

"Are you there Doctor?" I call into the intercom.

"He's gone." Ida's voice sounds through my ears like a burning pitch fork, scarring my brain at the thought.

"What do you mean, he's gone?" I say, my voice wavering.

"He fell into the pit. And I don't know how deep it is. Miles and miles and miles."

"But what do you mean, he fell?" I say, refusing to except any of the information I'm being told.

"I couldn't stop him. He said your name. I'm sorry" Ida says. My heart sinks into my chest. The Doctor, my Doctor. Gone. Zach grabs the microphone from me and speaks into it. I don't even register his next words as my is clouded and my vision blurred.


"Danny , Toby, close down the feed links. Get the retrotropes online, then get to the rocket and strap yourselves in, we're leaving" Zach says.

"I'm not going," I shake my head in refusal and quickly wipe away a cascading tear on my cheek.

"Rose, there's space for you." Zach says.

"No, I'm going to wait for the Doctor. Just like he waited for me."

"I'm sorry," Zach shake his head "But he's dead."

"You don't know him. 'Cause he's not. I'm telling you, he's not. And even if he was, how could I leave him all on his own, all the way down there?..." I trail off, more tears falling.

"Rose, listen" Danny holds my shoulders and gives them a squeeze "I know your sad, and your angry. But there's nothing we can do now. He's gone."

"But he's not!" I shout "An what would happen if I left him! We'd never see each other again, and he'd never even see his own child!" I lay a hand on my small bump. "I can't do this alone!"

"Rose, listen-"

"No, I'm going to stay."

"Then I apologise for this, Toby? Make her secure." Zach says, and reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a syringe filled with green liquid. I can't even process much before Toby, and then even Danny grab me from behind,

"No! No! No! Get off me! I'm not leaving!" I shout desperately. Zach steps closer and injects me, and suddenly my head begins to get all fuzzy. "No." I breathe out, before everything goes black.


I wake up soon after, dazed and confused. My eye open and I suddenly realise where I am. Using my instincts and quick reactions, I grab the gun on the seat next to me in the rocket.

"Take me back to the planet!" I shout, pointing the gun at Zach " Take me back!"

"Or what?" He replies.

"Or I'll shoot." I threaten still clasping the gun in both my hands.

"Would you though? Would you really? Is that what your Doctor would want?" He says. I slump back in my seat in defeat and let go of the gun. Zach speaks up again

"Look, I'm sorry. But we can't go back now, it's too late. Just look outside, this is what the Doctor would've want wanted, aren't I right?"

I don't reply. Any thought of the Doctor and my heart constricts and I feel like I want to shatter into a million pieces. I may never see him again, and he will never see me or his own baby again. I'm giving up hope.

The Slow Path - (#1 TenRose Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon