8. Bruce

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I wasn't sure where I was going exactly, after all I had no idea where I even was in Camden.

I'd been walking for a good twenty minutes down the same chipped up black tar road. Not so much as a car or truck had passed.
I had to come across something sooner or later didn't I? 

I continued my powerful strides down the side of the road, squinting in the raging brightness of the sun. 

Minutes passed, about another twenty as I continued down the narrow road, which seemingly led nowhere. 

Eventually, I could just make out an old orange truck headed down the road towards me.

I continued walking, this time more cautiously. I kept my head down, yet alert as it came closer.

I felt my heart begin to bounce inside my chest as the truck neared me and began to slow down, pulling slowly up beside me as I walked.

"Hey there little lady, are you lost?" A man's voice from inside the truck asked

I looked up and inside were two men. They were both young and obviously from around the area as a small sticker was pasted to the side of the truck, written in red were the words 'Camden Coyotes' , followed by a pictured Coyote beneath it; their football mascot.

"No, I'm fine" I answered simply, trying to act casual

"You aren't from around here, you shouldn't really have a reason to be out here" The other man spoke this time. The first man that had spoken had dark brown bushy hair, the other a deep black crew cut.

"If you want a ride somewhere we'd be happy to help. It's a fair distance to the nearest town, and you happen to be going the wrong way" The first man spoke again

I stood and debated. How did I know these men weren't vampire's? How did I know they weren't followers of Ryde's? I took a look back to where I'd come from and sighed.

"Fine, but can I at least know your names first?" I asked curiously

"I'm Chuck, and this here's Bruce" The first man with brown hair signaled in between them

Bruce shuffled over beside Chuck who sat in the driver's side as he slung the door open for me

I hopped in, and kept my body as close to the door as possible

"Where are you headed from anyway? There's nothing out here besides rickety old houses" Chuck spoke, his body bouncing on the rough road.

"Oh, um, one of my old family friends lives here" I lied

I expected them to ask which house in particular, but they didn't.

The drive took about half an hour. We chatted about nonsense things.

They'd revealed that they lived in a house down the very end of my 'friends' street, and had lived there all their lives. Chuck was 22, and Bruce was 21, they were brothers. They were heading into town to grab some groceries when they'd come across me. 

I felt comfortable with them to some extent. Chuck seemed really down to earth and a happy go lucky. Bruce on the other hand, he was nice, and friendly, but there was something about him I couldn't quite place my finger on.

When we pulled into what seemed like a town, a really, small town, Chuck pulled the car into a small parking lot, parking beside a large white building. One other vehicle that was parked in the middle of the lot, a dark black van sat beside us.

The van instantly gave me an unsettling feeling and I was right to have felt the way I did about it.

When I turned my head, a set of icy cold hands lept from behind me, one strongly held around my waist as the other snaked around my mouth covering my muffled screams. I kicked and struggled, terrified.
He was vampire, I could feel it, his coldness, his strength, this was one of Ryde's minions. 

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