Chapter Two: Man's Best Friend

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This morning Marry and I left that plague-ridden city so that it could begin to heal. Interestingly enough we did not leave alone. Shortly after leaving I noticed something odd, no matter where we went the stench of wet dog followed. It was faint but it was still there.
I stopped dead in my tracks, grabbed a rock, and threw it full force (right past Marry's head) and into a bush. There was a sharp ping and a howl followed by a lot of loud cursing. I guess my instincts weren't as dull as I thought.

I walked over and grabbed our stalker from the bushes. It was Dee, Hannah's brother. He wanted to join us and thought if he saved me again I might let him. To his surprise, I was happy to have him, whether he had saved me or not. Who am I to turn away another?

Now that we have a new member, I guess I should fill you all in on Dee. Dee's real name is Delitesco. He's a young lycan, the youngest I've ever seen. He's decently strong and can keep up with me in my unreleased form, a claim most council members can't even make. He's about five eight with black shaggy hair. Hell, he almost looks like he could be my younger brother if it weren't for his dark brown eyes. He's cool. We might even be able to become friends

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