Chapter 26

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Hi my loves!😁 Here is the next chapter to my lovely fic😉

P.s. I have a new Larry one coming up real soon. It's really good so far😉

Anyway, enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you think. And you can go ahed and ask any and all questions today since it's Friday and i'm feeling awesome😁 Enjoy!

Love you!



Harry's eyes squint at the sun that's getting ready to set in London. He hated jet lag. It was about sunrise in LA where he had just came from twelve hours ago, and now he arrived in London where the sun was setting. He thanked the pilot as he walked off with his luggage and met Frank at the entrance

"Mister Styles. I thought you were in California for the week?" he hummed climbing into the car and sighed bringing his glasses up to his long hair and watched the busy London streets as Frank drove off

"I was going to stay, but a few problems came up. I need for you to take me to Louis' flat please." Frank nodded changing lanes

He nervously grabbed his phone turning it on. Big mistake. Loads of messages from Louis, Edward, Zayn. He read the most recent ones

You bloody IDIOT! Harold where the fuck are you? I'm sorry, please don't do this!

God Harry! Must you be such an idiot?! Please answer us!

Me dad's here. What's going on curly head?

His finger trembled over the contact; Kyle
He sighed calling it right away

"Thought you were never going to call me again." Kyle shushed the man he was on top of holding both his arms behind his back with a tight grip as Tony and his father forced drugs down his throat

"Are you home right now? You know, where all your sluts are?" Kyle sighed looking down at the guy, he gripped his arms tighter making him cry out and Tony grinned stuffing more meth into him

Harry looked at the space between him and Frank and felt guilty for having him hear this conversation

"Look Harry. I'm sorry for ever cheating on you and being a real shitty boyfriend, but those lads are not sluts or men I screw. They work with me." He scoffed biting his nails

"And what job is that exactly? I don't think a modeling agency hires right after they see a drug record like yours? And your body isn't the same anymore Kyle, don't shit me. I might have been oblivious to a few things before but- what the hell is that noise? You fucking someone again?!" Kyle grunted as the man began having a seizure under him

"I'm at my actual job right now and I have no time for this right now Harry. Why don't we talk when we're more calm yea? Meet me at Tony's in half?" Harry sighed but smirked

"Fine." he hung up and looked out the window as Frank pulled over the rather large home, "Thank you Frank. You may go home. I will be grabbing an uber or something on my way back."

"Sure thing mr Styles." he walked passed the car and skipped up the stairs ringing the door bell. Niall answering right away, his eyes wide

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