Chapter 13

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Sorry for the late update my loves. Thanksgiving was good so I woke up really tired lol

Hope you enjoy this chap!

Love you all!



"I leave this Friday. I will be there to see you before I leave Kyle. Why are you getting so clingy? We just saw each other a day ago." the red head pounded the table and gritted his teeth

"Because you are my boyfriend now and I want to see you whenever I can Harry." the curly lad sighed tossing bacon onto a pan

"Oh, Harry now is it? No bunny? Fine. Whatever Kyle. I will see you on Tuesday. Monday I have to work." the curly boy hung up making Kyle throw his new phone against the wall. He huffed sitting down on the black leather swivel chair

"Frustrated are we cousin? Little new twink not working out?" Kyle flipped off his cousin and threw his head back closing his eyes

"We just started dating and now he's getting all defensive and irritating Tony. God, why can't I just rob a dam bank to pay you." the dark haired man laughed sitting on his desk chair and snorted up some coke that was left there this morning. He wiped his nosed and looked at his cousin

"Because, this gets me more money. Surprisingly there are a lot of gay sluts like you out there, who love the innocent ones. Makes me more money then what I bargain for. Anyway, enough with your shit, you can deal with the fag later-"

"You realize that I am gay and that is bloody offensive?" Tony snorted giving him a wide grin

"You know I don't give a fuck. I can blow your brains out before you even get offended." he rolled his blue eyes and pointed to the kilos on the table

"Whatever man. So, what am I doing?" he raised an eyebrow looking at the drugs and whistled over for his men to come in

"You're going with the lads here. Oscar, Jack, Manny, and Ricky. I need these kilos delivered to Henry, Oscar has the address. He was going to pay me a few grand for them, but he heard you were back in town, and would like a blow and he'l throw in a mill." Kyle's eyes widened as he stood up angrily

"You want me to give your dad's boss a blow job?! That's sick Tony. And not in the good way." the others rolled their eyes as they loaded up the cases with the drugs and walked to the van

"You liked the drugs, you needed money, you got into the business. You wanted all of this with me cousin. Now, you being gay, that's just a bonus. It's just a blowjob Kyle, you're not having sex with the guy. Now put your fucking clothes on and go! And put on those glasses he likes!" Kyle sighed walking to his room and grumbled as he grabbed his black skinnies, dark blue v-neck, his leather jacket, and his black framed glasses

"Come on Johnson! We ain't got all day!" he groaned and styled his hair up hiding the blue and walked out towards the van where he sat beside Jack and they drove off

"So, how have you guys been since I was gone for a while." Ricky snorted puffing out smoke from his pipe

"Honestly mate, we have been slow in business. You and your play toy used to bring us so many customers. But once they found out you were both gone, the amount decreased fast. It's a good thing you're back." he rolled his eyes and watched out the window until they made it to the mans home

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