Chapter 8

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Hello my lovelies! Woke up feeling good today! And i'm very happy you're all liking the story.

Enjoy this chapter, and I will update next Friday like always. Thank you all!

Love you all!



The smell of bacon woke Louis up from a nice peaceful sleep that morning. He fluttered his eyes open and was met with the sun rays peaking through the black curtains making him scrunch up his eyes. Groaning, he sat up, stretched, and walked over to the connected bathroom. He smiled as he noticed a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, and a bar of soap with a little note

Morning Louis,

Got you all these so you could freshen up in the morning.

-Harry Xx

What a sweetheart. Louis brushed his teeth and cleaned his face, then dried it with the soft towel. He glided out of the room downstairs towards the kitchen where that delicious smell was coming from and found himself under the arch of the kitchen watching Harry dance to the Rolling Stones while he cooked. He couldn't help but laugh as the curly lad swiveled his hips which made Harry jump and drop the spatula clutching his hand to his chest where his heart was surely beating fast

"Oh god! Okay, I know I scared you yesterday, but it wasn't that bad." he pouted and Louis shook his head with a smile and climbed onto a stool at the island placing his chin on his hand

"It was, my heart stopped beating for a second." Harry rolled his eyes and whipped his hair to the side throwing that sinful smile to Louis

"Well, I am heart stoppingly gorgeous. I'm not sure if that's a word, but I am hot." he winked making Louis chuckle and look down to his bare lap

"You know, last night I could barely see with the whole electricity being out and stuff. So technically, i've only really seen your kitchen and living room." Harry laughed going back to flip the pancakes

"Well, it's all disorganized. I just purchased the flat and I haven't finished moving my things in. So you haven't really seen how I decorate." Louis laughed watching him walk from place to place cooking

"Hey uh Harry? When will the clothes be ready? I have-"

"Oh brother!! I just got- wow. What happened here?" he wiggled his eyebrows looking between Louis and Harry, only causing them to both blush

"Good Morning to you too Edward. We got stuck in the storm yesterday at the café and his flat was on lockdown so I brought him to mine. We were drenched in rain so he borrowed some clothes. That's it. Nothing happened." Edward scoffed sitting beside Louis eyeing him

"Could have borrowed some sweats mate." he winked making Louis blush even more, to which Harry slapped Edwards arm making him hiss

"Arse. Lou, I set up your clothes on my bed. You were sleeping so. Just feel free to go in and change there." Louis nodded and quickly walked off to change

"He has a nice ass Haz, you gonna bang that?" he groaned and handed his brother a plate of pancakes, bacon, sausage, and eggs and then hit his arm again

"Don't be such a dick. We just met like three weeks ago, and we barely started hanging out. S'ides he's Ed's best friend, and....I don't do that. You know that." munching on a piece of bacon, Edward laughed and perched his feet on the counter pissing off Harry even more

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