Chapter 23

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Hi my loves!! Here's chapter 23!!!

Love you all!



The room was completely and utterly destroyed. Chairs broken, glass shattered, holes in the walls, feathers from the pillows. It was like a hurricane had passed through Kyle Johnson's bedroom. He stood heaving angrily as he glared at the frightened naked blonde boy on the bed with bruises and tears running down his cheeks. He lunged for him once more, the blonde boy sobbing as he weakly tried to push the redhead off of him

"Please Kyle, please?! I'm sore. Please?! I can't anymore- th-this is ra-rape." Kyle angrily gripped his arms seething into his face

"AND YOU THINK I GIVE ONE FUCK?! I got you so you could be my little toy! And if I want to fuck you, I GET TO FUCKING FUCK YOU!" he ripped the sobbing boy from the sheets and turned him roughly around about to plunge into him, but Tony and Oscar came in slamming the door

"What the fucking HELL KYLE?!" he sighed angrily letting go of the boy who now scrammed away into the corner with the sheets around him as he trembled "What did you do to your fucking room?!"

"Harry broke up with me and I have no idea where he fucking is so I can't go look for him! And Louis' father and that asshole Yaser keep looking for me too." Tony sighed eyeing the boy in the corner then back at Kyle

"Get rid of the trembling chihuahua over there and get dressed. We have shit to deliver. We'l speak of all this shit later. Come on!" he grumbled going to the messed up sofa grabbing his clothes and slipped them on then walked towards the door

"Get your shit and leave blondie. And you better not say a word about what happened, I know where to find you." he smirked walking out leaving the boy to cry and followed Jack, Manny, and Ricky out the door to their van

"Where are we delivering today? Must be special since you're coming along." he eyed Tony as he smirked and threw a package of cole towards him with a sticky note that had a name on the front

Harry Edward Styles
304 N Appleton St
London, England UK

He looked up at him wide eyed

"How the fuck did you find out where he lives?!" Tony scoffed as he stared out the window

"I got some guys to find it while you were fucking my dad's assistant." Kyle's eyes went wide, he had no clue who the blondie was. He just saw him at the club and snatched him up "Don't think we're going over there though. I found the address, but you have cops on your ass right now and we'l be easier to find with the fucking flyer Johnny handed out at the club. Right now we're going to see my dad and Henry." Kyle sighed angrily throwing the kilos and sticky note back on the seat and looked out the window


"Bloody hell it's fucking hot here!" Harry eyed the LAX airport as they began driving off in a limo that Mark sent for them. Edward was getting on his nerves with all the fuss he was making but he kept his cool, he needs to see Louis and make sure he's okay

"Edward, can you please shut up?" his brother huffed looking at him as he stared out the window and then sighed scooting over to him, throwing an arm around him which made Harry turn and look at him, Edward's nose hitting his forehead as he pecked his nose. Harry squirmed away, eyes wide, but Edward held him tight to him laughing

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