Chapter 15

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Hi my loves! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Love you all!



To say that Louis was cranky waking up at 3am to board a plane was the least of his problems. He was cranky, hungry, and really annoyed at the fact that Harry left him alone on the seats by the terminal while he went off to grab snacks for them. He was in a happy go lucky mood which pissed Louis off but he secretly loved it. He wore a blue beanie, black sweats, a white muscle shirt, and a blue sweater zipped up half way. All the luggage was next to him like a mountain with his legs perched up on it while he watched the people speed walk and sprint from place to place in the airport. In about five minutes he clutched his chest with wide eyes as Harry jumped in front of him with a wide smile, dimples, and cream all over his lips

"Hiya mister gwumpy gills! I brought you pancakes from McDonald's." he smiled handing him the plate, Louis scowling at him, but he took the pancakes and stuffed him in his mouth  "Gemma and Edward are almost here. Cam and Dad are getting the rest of the team together." he munched on his last piece and looked at him

"I can't believe you all have a family jet. Why?" Harry shrugged wiping his mouth and then handed Louis the napkin

"Dad loves it. Oh look, speaking of the devil, here he comes with Cam. And theres Edward and Gem!" he sprinted up to go hug his siblings and Louis just slowly and awkwardly stood up as well to greet them

"Louis! My man!" Edward pulled him into a hug and Gemma ruffled his hair, Des and Cam giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek

"We're glad you're joining us son. Come on, let's go." Harry grinned grabbing his luggage and looked up at Louis handing him his

"You'l love it. I promise. They're amazing, you'l feel like you're part of the family. So let's go to Fiji grumpy pants." Louis snorted shaking his head and grabbed his luggage following Harry onto the jets entrance. His eyebrows raised as he saw the luxurious jet, it had up to ten soft fluffy seats, bronze with gold decor

"Fancy innit?" Louis looked at Edward and Gemma who sat on one side of the jet

"Yea. Good quality. I have enough money to buy one but i've just never found a purpose for it." Gemma's eyes widened

"Traveling Louis! If you have good money, you can travel so much." the blue eyed boy shook his head

"Not alone." she frowned and watched him walk off to where Harry sat beaming that grin still "Why are you so jolly in the morning? I can't even think about smiling at this hour." Harry laughed moving his arm rest so Louis could scoot in

"I got up and showered in the morning. A good morning shower wakes me up real good, and I feel fresh and clean. You on the other hand, decided to shower last night and then stay up watching The X Factor rerun until midnight." he scowled plopping down on the seat and crossed his arms over his chest

"I wasn't that tired so I staid up late. If you don't remember, the night before we had a christmas party with the lads and got hungover by yesterday morning. Excuse me for sleeping mid day and then having enough energy to watch tv till midnight. Bastard." Harry chuckled poking his nose

"Don't get your panties in a bunch. Just relax, drink something, the jet attendants have a fridge filled with good drinks." he huffed taking off his beanie and ruffled his hair then looked at him hopeful

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