I hate him, but still love him.

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A new chapter for you all. And its better than all the previous chapters. Hope you like it.

It was a pleasant morning, just the way i liked. I was in my favorite park behind the school. the sun was almost near the horizon. i was sitting on a bench, or rather i was sitting on his lap. he was looking so sexy in the evening sunlight.

his face looked so radiant, it felt like heaven. we both were staring each other like love maniacs. both our heads were inching closer towards each other. a strong tension was building between us. i felt like crushing my lips on his lips. desperate to taste his lips i leaned my face forward and touches his lips softly with my own.

he hesitated for a second, unsure what to do i drew my face back a little and looked at him. he smiled and crushed his lips against mine.

our tongues massaged each others. his hands skimmed my hips just above my but which sent shivers down my spine. i felt his abs. too much of my waist got exposed due to his hands which kept tugging on the hem of my tank top. his other hand slid down my butt and reached the hem of my shorts touching mu bare legs. meanwhile i was feeling my way through his muscular back and the other times i touched his abs which were definitely every girls dream.

suddenly i heard a shout. it was my moms voice. she was shouting at the top of her voice. my eyes flew open. i found myself staring on a pink wall which looked quite familiar. it was my room. how the hell did i get there.

"fuck seriously? it was a dream.and it wasn't just any random guy in my dream. It was jason ! I coudn't believe that I just dreamed about jason!
it felt so real" i sighed in disappointment. It seemed to me that I had started to like him.

"ash? who are you talking to? get ready fast you are late." my moms voice echoed all around my room. i looked up the clock. it was almost 8! i was very late.

i quickly took a shower, freshened up, dressed myself in haste n left.

just in time. my ride just arrived. i breathed a sigh of relief after seeing a familiar face.

"hey girl! come on get in. we are already late." Sara smiled at me opening the door signalling me to get in.
I got into the car smiling. But my smile disappeared as soon as I saw Jake. With all this jason stuff I totally forgot about what happened between me and Jake the other day. texting him was one thing. but seeing him in front of my eyes was totally different.

He smiled at me after a while. I could see his ears turn pink. I returned a very confused smile. I was seriously confused. For a moment I was scared if Jake would break our friendship and totally start ignoring me. But I was relieved when he smiled. Atleast he wasn't mad at me for ignoring him the whole day.
I needed to talk to him about us. It wasn't gonna work out. It would be quiet difficult to date my childhood friend.

But first I needed to tell Sara all about jason. the jake thing could wait. But this couldn't.

I looked at Sara bursting with excitement. But I controlled myself because I couldn't possibly say all that in front of Jake after what happened yesterday.

Sara felt my uneasiness.she looked at me with an questioning look waiting for me to speak further. I shook my head in response and stared outside the window avoiding her for he moment. There was an awkward silence in the car for the rest of the journey. Iris tried breaking the silence few times but no one seemed interested. Finally she gave up with a sarcastic comment at the end.

Finally we reached the school premises after 15 minutes which seemed as eternity. I jumped out of the car as fast as I could before either of them could ask me anything.

I heard someone call my name. And just then somebody grabbed my hand from behind. I jumped. It was just Sara.

"Why are you acting so weird?" She asked with a demanding look on her face.
"I will tell you all of it. But first lets find a safe place to talk. I dont want anyone overhearing our conversation."

"Okay, you are acting very strangely...I know a place. Follow."
I followed her to a very dark storage room near the school main building. I had never seen that room earlier.
It was very dark inside. i wasn't very confident about telling her all about the previous days incident. But one glance at sara's face suggested it all that it was too late for me to back off. She was bursting with eagerness.

We settled at a corner far away from the door from which we entered.
I took a deep breath and was just about to start when I got interrupted by the sound of the door opening.
"That's unusual" I heard iris whisper behind me.

I peeked from behind a shelf in that room to see what was going on.
I gasped as I saw who came in. I couldn't believe my eyes. My knees were going to give away any moment.
Tears welled up my eyes. I was filled with rage. I felt angry, sad and annoyed all at the same time. Before I could realize what I was doing I stomped over him and slapped his face hard and shouted "player....son of a bitch....motherfucker...I hate you"
As soon as I realized what I was doing I gasped with horror wiped my tears and went out of the room banging the door close.

I could hear Sara's voice behind me calling out for me. I continued racing down the hallway without stopping or even slowing down to wait for Sara.

I was very angry at him. First he flirts with me, then he appears in my dream and makes me fall for him. And now he dares to kiss another girl in front of me!

How could he do that to me. I was crushed all over again. I looked terrible. I couldn't even see where was I going. I bumped into thousands of people who cursed me a lot. I never said sorry to them. All that was going in my mind was jason jason and jason.

I tried to hate him but still I couldn't help but love him. I had got this huge crush on him since the day I first saw him in his car.

What else did I think to expect. He was a player. I should have never trusted him.

I entered a empty classroom on the 5th floor and settled on a bench facing the window.
I wiped my tears, controlled my self and thought about all the previous events.
With all that was going on with Jake, this totally fucked my mind up. I needed to get away from all of them. I buried my face in my knees and thought for the rest of the day sitting in the same position. Luckily no one saw me there. Or I had get into a lot of trouble for bunking all my classes.

Hey guys
How was the new chapter?
I hoped you all liked it. And please give me suggestions if you didnt.
And I have even edited the previous chapters.
Please vote and comment and keep correcting me
Love you all

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