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My very new first chapter.......


I woke up reluctantly when my alarm went off. First day of school after so many days of lazy and sleepy summer break. It was the first day of the new term. I was finally in high school.

I rolled out of my bed groaning. I was missing my sweet sleep on my cozy bed already.

First days always made me nervous. Not that I am a typical nerd, but the idea of facing so many new faces in one day gives me the creeps.

I am a kind of girl who can make friends easily, but that only works with girls, who are friendly. Can't say the same about guys. I hate the snotty kind of girls who think they rule the school.

I took a quick shower, combed my shoulder length brown silky hair and wore my jeans and top which is quite simple to be frank. I packed my bag quickly and raced down the stairs. i didn't want to be late for school on the first day itself.

I quickly munched down my milk and cornflakes, grabbed my bag, wore my sneakers and waited on the porch in front of my house. It seemed I was quite early. My ride hadn't arrived yet. I waited impatiently stomping around for my ride to arrive.

As I was waiting,I saw a red Lamborghini racing on the road, with rock music blaring through the windows, which was too loud and unpleasant to hear.

Suddenly the car slowed down. I saw that there was a boy behind the wheel. He wore a pair of sunglasses and his hair were all done properly. He glanced and me slowed down the speed a bit, smirked(which made him look too hot) and then sped off.

I could only think of one thing to describe him, "spoiled brat who was really very hot".I couldn't help smiling like a freak. I controlled myself and rolled my eyes still thinking about him and giggling but
before I could ponder any further, the familiar looking black yet cool BMW stopped in front of me.

I was greeted with a deep manly yet friendly voice.

But his voice got muffled behind a girl's much shriller loud voice before she launched herself on me.

Folks, meet my childhood bestie, Sara.

" oh i missed you bae!" my overexcited love shouted.

"sara control yourself. we just met 1 week before." i said sarcastically.

"yeah but still one week is a long time to spend without you" she hugged me tightly.

i smiled and asked, "so did you make any new boyfriends i the past week?"

"nah! no guy in this world is capable of being my boyfriend"iris said winking.

"and no guy wouldn't even make the mistake of making her his girlfriend" the deep male voice comes again..which i love so much! in a friendly way of course. his face with a grin.

iris punched him hard on his hand.

"oh hey... you jerk. that's right." i wink at jake.

he is sara's twin. totally hot and amazing. and if not for sara he wouldn't be my best friend.

we got into the bmw, chatting and catching up with each other.

i wasnt that nervous now anymore. i had two of my best friends beside me who would support me no matter what happens.

that's the thing i like about both of them. they are the best friends one could ask for.

we were joined by jake.....who came running towards us after parking the car.

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