Chapter Twenty: Our Submission

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After explaining everything to my uncle and him and Nick playing the blame game. I was finally allowed to go home after being checked up with the doctor. Of course my uncle wanted me to stay with him but I felt more comfortable with Nick. I wouldn't have said that a months ago. My uncle still doesn't trust Nick but I don't blame him. He had to semi lie about my whereabouts in Jakes house. I didn't have the heart to tell him I was typed up in his sex room.

After getting dressed, with the help of Nick. I got simple pain medication, cream and was told to stay off my back as much as I can. That sucks because I was hoping to be on my back with Nick on top of me. I smile inwardly at the thought.

The ride back to the house is quiet and I'm  not sure if it's comfortable or not. Nick told me I'm not getting out of his sight for the next couple of days. That I don't mind. I missed him, but somethings off with him.

I glance over at him and he has his eyes glued to the road. I slowly place my hand on his thigh and to my surprise he tenses. Why? I frown moving my hand away, he's never done that before. He grabs it back bringing it to lips, kissing my knuckles slowly, but his kisses are different it's not as intense as I want it to be, like he's holding back.  He squeezes my hand reassuringly before letting go and griping the steering wheel with two hands. Oh...

Once we pull up to his house he comes around to open the door for me and help me out. Grabbing my hand he leads me into the house. It feels like home. He takes my hand leading me up the stairs and to his bed. Once inside I turn to look at him. He looks beat. I know he's still in pain from his wounds by he's trying hard to show he's fine.

"Bed" he commands. Slowly pushing my jacket off. Bed with you? Yes please.

"I'm not tired"

"I didn't ask" his voice holding no emotion. What the hell?

"I'm aware" I snap. Why is he acting like this. He was so caring when he was carrying me, holding me.

He sighs in annoyance I think and placing his hands at the hem of my shit. Pulling It over my head he throws it to the floor. Are we going to have sex? Oh god yes. I've missed him. Even tho he's being an ass. He drops to his knees pulling my zipper, and gliding my jeans down my legs. Him on his knees does something to me. I sure as hell brings back memories.

I place my hands on his shoulder and I'm happy he doesn't tense. I'm still trying to figure out why he did it the first time.

I step out my shoes and jeans. Once done he stands. I reach out to take his shirt off but he backs up. Almost like he doesn't want me to touch him. The thought makes my heart ache. He walks to his dresser pulling out a t shirt. Once of his crisp white T shirts to be exact. He slips it over my head and I put my arms threw the sides. I could have dressed myself. I roll my eyes folding my arms. I hope he doesn't think he's going to treat me like a child.

"Get into bed" he points with his finger. His eyes a frost green. He's looking at me with that look, like he's not to be messed with. I hate that look, it makes me feel errant and I'm far from that. I'm no tired but I don't want him to look at me like that.

"Can you at least lay with me?"

"I have some work to do" he says sharply. Since when! If I asked him this days ago I would have been having an orgasm by now. When I realize he won't budge I turn on my heel and slowly climb into bed. Laying on my side so I don't put pressure on my back.

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