Chapter Ten: Come dance Now, or Please Dance With Me?

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Sooooo this is the end... I'm just joking with you but I'm really excited for this chapter . i wasn't sure who's P.O.V to do it in so i switched them a couple of times please comment and vote!!

P.S this chapter is long being that i don't know when im going to update!

The doorbell rings and I get up to answer it. I've been working out at home for the past hour now and I'm beginning to work up a sweat. It's not as productive as the ones I do at the gym but I guess it's good for now. I open the door to find a buzz cut man in a black suit standing outside my door. He must be the guy nick sent over to drop off the dress. He looks like a cool person to be around. I think it's the expressionless face I'm fond of, he reminds me of my uncle.

"M.s Fainer"

"You can call me Brooke" he nods handing over the dress in a long bag. I hate when people call me by my last name, I'm not old and I'm not my mother.

"There should be shoes and undergarments in there as well." Undergarment? He bought a whole outfit. I roll my eyes and I catch a glimpse of him smirking.

"Thanks" I mutter. Why did I agree to this? Because he asked you and it would have ruined the moment if you said no. oh... yea.

"No problem. Ms.—Brooke" he corrects himself.

I close the door walking to my room to place the items on my bed. Opening it up with slight resentment my eyes widen at the dress. Its strapless heart line dress that's all shear and lace. There's black jewels crested all over. Are those real? I take it out the bag to hold it up to my body. Of course he added the lowest back in the world followed by a high thigh high part. This dress is.... I have no words for it. Surprisingly I like it. I don't do sexy but this dress does it for me. I set it down on my bed pulling out the shoes. Tall black louboutins. I'll be at least five inches taller in these. I wonder if I could fight in these. Not that I'm going to but just in case I get pissed off. I take out the lace panties and is this a garter belt? I'm not wearing that! Jeez. I call his phone and on the first ring he answers.

"Hello baby" his voice calling to the one part he finds pleasure in destroying.

"You said if I don't like the dress then I don't have to go. So I'm not going" of course I'm going I just want to see his reaction. For some reason me upsetting him makes me happy, besides he looks really hot when he's mad. There's a long pause and still no words. I can hear him exhale and I know for a fact he's rolling his eyes.

"What do you mean, you don't like it?" I can feel him holding back his anger.

"It's to revealing" I shrug sounding nonchalant.

"Trust me the first dress I wanted you to wear was revealing that one isn't bad" then what the hell did the first one look like? A birthday suit?

"So you're basically saying you're fine with people looking at my body" I'm not. I hate when people stare at me in a good or a bad way it doesn't matter.

"Yes and absolutely not. I want people to see that you're beautiful and all mine, but certain parts of you are only for my eyes" whatever. I roll my eyes. This wasn't as fun as I thought it would be.

"Well I have to get dressed. What are you doing?"

"If you must know, I just got out the shower myself and I'm now getting ready" for some reason me picturing him wet makes my stomach ache with that familiar need he only fills. When we finished having shower sex this morning I finally got a glimpse of all of him. I was never into checking guys out but he's an exception. Yeah he's been an exception for lot of things you believe in.

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