Chapter Nineteen: Catch & Find Me if You Can

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So this was going to be the last chapter but I broke it in two parts...enjoy.

Nicks P.O.V

Baby my baby. That's all I'm thinking about. I'm pleading my eyes to open. But to my dismay, my eyes don't open and my body doesn't respond. But once again I slip out of consciousness surrounded by closing in darkness.

Open. My eyes flicker open and I groan as my body aches with pain. I glance around to find myself in a hospital room. I frown. Where's Brooke? She didn't come to see me? What happened? I sit up groaning as my head aches with pain.

"Mr Cartier your up, how are you feeling?" Fucking great!

"I've been better" I groan.

"I'm sure you have, I'm going to get you some pain medication, are you thirsty? Hungry?" The last thing I want is hospital food.

"Am I allowed to leave?" I sit up drawing the covers off.

"I would like to check if your head and your ribs are okay so it's best if you stay over night. You'll probably be able to leave first thing in the morning."

"No, I need to leave today, please" I flash her a smile and she blushes. Fucking hell.

"I'll see what I can do, I don't advise it Mr. Cartier" she turns on her heel exciting my room. I call Toney my personal driver telling him to pick me up some clothing, but my mind is still focused on Brooke. She should be here. Does she not care? Maybe she had a fight.

Don't stress this Nick she'll be here...right?

Three hours latter with much flirting with staff I'm able to get everything checked out. Toney dropped off my clothes so I quickly change with out causing my self anymore pain. On my way out my room door I slide on the black leather jacket.

"I know she's her!" There's a commotion at the front desk that has nurses and doctors frantic. The receptionist desperately trying to calm the older man down.

"Sir I'm sorry but there's no one here with that name"

"Check again, Brooke Fainer, long brown hair blue eyes. I spoke to her three days ago, she said she was coming here. I tired to get here sooner but my flight was delayed to weather. Please check again" she was here? This man looks worried which in making me worry.

I approach him cautiously studying his face. They resemble each other. Father? No. uncle? Yes.

"I'm sorry did you say you were looking for Brooke?" He turns his attention to me, sizing me up.

"Yes, who the hell are you?" I can see where she gets the manors from. I roll in eyes.

"Her boyfriend, Nick Cartier" he looks at me completely stunned.

"Boyfriend?" I'm guessing she didn't tell him. "She's not into relationships, I know my Brooke" he puts emphasis on my. And I know what she's into, trust me pal.

"You'd be surprised. You said she was here" I need to know why she left. Her uncle seems to think she told him she was going to the hospital because she was hurt, but I quickly tell him what happened.

"I don't understand, if she's not hurt then where is she? she would have called me back" somethings not right. I spot one of the nurses who helped me and I stop her before she leaves. She smiles softly as her cheeks flush.

"I'm sorry to bother you but I need your help" once again I flash a dazzling smile.

"Your no bother at all" she bates her lashes. I have the urge to roll my eyes but I don't.

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