Chpt 26

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“Robyn, wake up.” I bolted upright at the beautifully familiar voice.

“Sirius?” I couldn’t open my eyes, no matter how hard I tried I  couldn’t lay my gaze on my beloved. “Don't fight against the potion dear, I need to speak to you and this is the only way we can do it.” He soothingly explained.

“But-” I tried to insert.

“We haven’t much time, so please be quiet.” He sounded irritated and then pitying and then hurt. “You know well enough that Voldemort has Horcruxes, what about the Deathly Hallows?” I frowned, even though I presumed that he couldn’t see my face.

“Isn’t that just a story to tell young children that greed isn't befitting-”

“You have heard of them at least. But you are aware that Voldemort has acquired a new wand?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“And from the story, you know there are two more pieces to the Hallows.”

“It was a cloak and a stone was it not?” He was beginning to sound frustrated and it angered me that I was so close and yet too far away, resulting in me snapping.

“Yes well he wishes to have them all.”

“I thought as much.”

“Oh I was under the impression that he thought for you anyway.” I was shocked that he had said it, and I was even more surprised at the lack of anger I felt.

“If you were going to act like this why is it you telling me this and not Dumbledore?” I was sad, and I felt tears burning down my cheeks.

“Please don't cry.” He whispered after a moment, regret sounding in his tone, I could picture his face lined with sorrow.

“This is because I married him isn't it?”

“It’s because you didn’t have a choice and if I was still alive it wouldn't have happened.”

“So you want me to kill him?”

“No, Harry has to do that, but you are going to have to help.”

“How, you-”

“I know that you can do it.”

“So you also know what I have to do?”


“You wouldn't happen to know how to-”

“No Dumbledore didn’t mention that, he was annoyingly vague.” He seemed a little happier; well brighter would be a better word, he still seemed sad.

“Sirius, I love you.”

“And I you, but the potion’s worn off.”

I regained consciousness.

Goodnight dear... A Harry Potter Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now