Chapter 5| Free Day...Well Sort Of

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*James's Father pictured*


At the cheerleading Competition


Melody's POV

When we got to the competition we grouped up and went to our dressing room. We changed out of our school sweats and put on our outfits. We were wearing blue and gold outfits and had gold pom-poms. We were competing in 3 categories. Creative performance, competitive dance, and routine.

Creative performance was going to involve all of us, competitive dance was doing to be made of half of us, so that meant that 10 of us were dancing. Routine started out with me then the rest of the team files in and we dance the rest of the way through.

The requirements for performance was that we had a song that was under 4 minutes, everyone had to on stage at all times and it had to upbeat. For dance it had to be under 5 minutes and the maximum of people on stage the entire time was 10 people. The song could be any type of music. For routine we had to use instrumental music to song. In the routine we had to have at least one human pyramid and some tumbling. The musical requirement is that it had to be under 4 minutes and any type of music.

We were going first. That meant we were doing the kick off of the competition. The first category is creative performance. Our song was Cash Cash Take Me Home. We walked on the stage in the broad daylight. I relaxed a bit knowing that there is anything that could harm others. When the song started we struck the same pose on different beats like a wave. Luckily we had lyrics to remind us of our moves. In the second verse I had to sing along. Then when it said round in circles the second time 3 of us started spinning while behind is the girls doing small air tosses. I spun the fastest and I took out my ponytail to let my hair down. When during the ending chorus we walked off the stage and finished in the aisle. On the final beat we did a death drop and got a standing ovation.

We went back to the dressing room to get changed. Half of us changed for the next category while the other half changed for the last category. We had black outfits on with silver pom-poms. The other outfit is purple and silver with black pom-poms.

When we were called the stage I walked to the center of the stage and waited for the song to start. The song is Pentatonix Say Something. When it started 4 of them walked slowly on stage. When the first words were sung we did a sort of ballet routine. In the second verse the last five came on. We did out flips, a human pyramid, and an air tumble. In the ending I was supposed to play dead and the others were supposed to realize that I died, pick me up and carry me off stage and let me arm dangle for the people to see. Essentially it was supposed to tell a story about a girl who was so full of life but something unfortunate happened and it caused her to die and it takes a toll on everyone.

When we walked away I saw the other competitors cry because it was so powerful. We all went to change. We were ready by the time we were going on. The last song we were performing to is the instrumental version of Run the World (Girls) by Beyonce. We were all supposed to be bunch of women in power and we were the rulers of the earth. We were like the more feminine Mad Max.

When it came to awards we put on our school jackets and sat in our reserved seats. Long story short we got a clean sweep for first. We went to Jasmine's house to celebrate. We had sushi and pizza for dinner. For dessert we had to change the plan. Normally we would have ice cream cake from Carvel. We had a fresh baked chocolate lava cake with everyone's own personal choice of ice cream from Haagen Dazs. We topped our cake with whipped cream and strawberries. When we finished we decided to have a sleepover. We watched something new. We watched The Original Kings of Comedy. We all laughed so hard that we cried.

I fell asleep and woke up suddenly at midnight. Well at least I thought I woke up. I was having a vision. I was in the warehouse in one of the rooms. They had my grandma and James tied down to metal tables. Then I saw something I never thought I would. I saw a skeleton walking into the room. He held a knife. He held it to my grandmothers face and pressed. I didn't want to give away that I was watching. He asked was business taken care of James responded that he would talk if he was released. With a clap of his bony hands James was free. A shadow spell.

He said hello father. I figured that this was fake. When they touched hands a memory showed James as a child. The day his father died. I watched it unfold from his eyes. I hated his feeling. I knew that this was the truth.

I was tapped out of the vision. Jasmine was tapping me. I was about to ask what she was doing but she held her finger to her lips. I sat up and looked around. Things were going crazy. Luckily the girls were sound asleep. I closed my eyes took a deep breath and let things settle down. I had a spare toothbrush at her house so I went to brush my teeth before leading her to a separate room. She asked me about the next step. I told her that there was a doctor that watched over me but was actually my guardian. I was planing to find her. I was going to bring a bag.

The bag was going to hold the 2 notes, the outfit my father gave me, and something to cover the top. I decided to use a sweater. I was leaving the next morning. I was hoping that this wasn't for nothing. I needed this to save the ones I care the most about.

Hey! We finally reached over 100 reads. I have decided to change something. Comment how you want the story to go. Whoever gets the most aggres I will use it. Thx. -Empress

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