Chapter 4| I Can't Do It Anymore

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*James Pictured*

⍥James POV⍥

On the Road


I was sitting in a truck with my girlfriend's grandmother. I know what you are thinking you are a terrible boyfriend. The thing is I am somewhat pretending. This was all part of the plan. Have her make me her boyfriend, get her into the accident, manifest her powers, kidnap her "grandmother", and take her powers for my dad.

Let me give you a bit of background on our family history. As powerful people we constantly fought over her mother's heart. They took her on romantic dates, gave her flowers and did everything to win her over. I the end Lucian won. They got married and my dad was his best man. Dad turned cold and bitter and married a woman also. Her dad was unable to attend due to some business. So my dad made a plan to get his attention. He kidnapped his wife. He was happy having her mom to himself. When the deadline approached he grew impatient he had her mother send out a distress signal. It didn't do what he thought. When she said that she had an interest in him and it was now gone, in a rage he beheaded her in his bedroom. Still in a rage he ripped out her heart with his bare hands.

He sent his guards to get gold tissue paper, a medium sized box, blood red wrapping paper, and gold outlined paper. He made his present for her father and had a guard infiltrate and drop off his present. He could hear his pained screams. 2 days later he gave his a declaration of war against the kingdom of Canterlot.

My father's name is Jack Skellington. He is literally a skeleton. He was cured that way after the war "ended". While I am sitting in this van I have her knocked out grandma. I may have and evil parent but I hate hurting people. Oh you want to know what happened after the war. As a result of losing my dad was forced to give up his wife and to have her executed publicly. I stood next to my mother as it happened. I was 4 year old. Also he was forced to give up his powers to him.

My father was banished and powerless. All he had left was me. He wanted to raise me to be the man he could never be. There was one surprise that he didn't mention. When we were walking someone attacked us with a poison weapon. I scared them off and stole their stuff. My dad got hit. I had to hobble him back home. Luckily we weren't too far away. I had no choice but to sit there and feel helpless. I was 8. The night he supposedly died I woke up the next morning and found him a skeleton.

He taught me how to use my powers. I will do anything to help him. Well at least something that requires flesh, anything that needs bones he has that covered.

When I turned 10 he sent me to a private school. Little did I know that Melody was going to be there. I did my best to befriend her at first. I got lucky the day I did. There was an incident where her "friends" played a prank on her. They made it look like she wet herself. Feeling embarrassed she ran to a place in the gym during recess in the corner and cried. I asked her what happened and all that jazz. The point is is that she apologized for being rude to me and we quickly moved to dating. The one friend that didn't play the prank on her was Jasmine. They became best friends and eventually she was allowed to tag along on dates and she became my friend too.

But things have just gotten complicated now. Lately Jasmine has just gotten too involved. I told dad about it. He has ordered me to take her out. Reluctantly I accepted. Now I have to figure out how to do that. After I do that I have to figure out how to explain myself to her.

Melody POV

Jasmine's House


I couldn't stay in my house anymore. I had to get out. Grandma if you can hear me I'm sorry. If my powers cause too much trouble I can't live anymore. In the middle of If I Stay, Jasmine told me to go to the bathroom and get myself together. I went into the large bathroom, closed and then locked the door. I looked around for a way to end my life. I saw towels, a mirror, rat poison and bleach. I knew that the 2 mixed together meant death in 2 to 3 minutes when in contact with human DNA. I cast a muting spell and broke the mirror. I took a large piece of broken glass with a towel and set it on the sink.

I took a bucket and mixed the two things about halfway full. I took the piece of glass with a towel and set it in. I let it sit for a few minutes. I took the towel and picked up the end that wasn't in the bucket. Now I know you are probably telling me one of two things. It is for the sake of your loved ones or this isn't the way. I have to do it. I put the bucket in the bathtub and closed the shower curtain. The minute I hold the makeshift knife to my stomach and began to press Jasmine bust into the door. I begged her to let me die. She dragged me out the bathroom to snap me out of it.

I realized something very quickly. I had the best friend in the world.

Jasmine's POV

My House


I have never seen her this shaken up. I just spoke to her. I left her in my room to calm down and collect herself. She is so broken. At this point I would know what to do. That terrifies me. I don't know what to do. Normally I would know. I have tried everything. Her favorite movies. Her favorite food, restaurant, nothing has worked. The minute we got to my house she started crying. I haven't seen her cry since 5th grade. I want to tell her I know how she feels but I can't. I would be lying to her. We have never lied to each other.

I walked up to my bedroom and knocked. I heard Melody take a breath and said come in. I opened the door softly and held a 3 pints of Haagen Dazs ice cream. She loves Rocky Road and the brownie ice cream. I loved Pineapple Coconut. Melody never understood why. I had put on a movie that she didn't know about. It was called If I Stay. I chose it because it tied into her story. It was about this young girl who dreams of going to Juilliard College but a car accident puts her in a coma. I sat down and watched it with Melody. Halfway through Melody stopped eating her ice cream, I looked at her face. She watched in horror. I paused the movie and tapped her. Melody snapped back into reality. I asked her if she was okay. She didn't know what to say. I told her to go to the bathroom and get herself together. She walked in and didn't come out for 15 minutes.

I knocked and heard rustling. I unlocked the door with a hair pin and went in. Melody was trying to kill herself. I wrestled the blade out of her hand and brought her out the bathroom. I told her to look at me and she started to cry. I gave her a hug and told her to talk to me. She eventually stopped crying and explained what has been going on. I said I didn't believe her. When I looked around the room things started floating. She looked me and said do you believe me now. I walked to my desk and waved my hand under a floating object in all directions and ched the drawer. I shook my head. She had my ice cream fly from her hands to my. She gives me the look asking the question again. I started to scream she held her finger to her lips telling me to be silent. She sent me a mental message saying that this happened while she was in the hospital. She told me to keep it a secret I promised. For now.

I am updating early because this is when I am stopping the book until it gets at least 100 views or 20 votes. Share, comment and vote. Love u. Thx. -Empress

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