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The content of this story is for mature audiences only and Not suitable for younger audiences.
Happy reading, thank you ❤

I do not own right to any music or photos. I simply used them because they fit my story and I probably thought it was beautiful and inspiring. All credit is owed to the talented artists. Quotes have also been used to which I will reference the author when known and to unknown when not known. Either way credit to all of the talented creators.

*Krissy Kings

Song suggestions will be listed at the beginning of each chapter to set the tone and mood. Try playing softly in the background while you read o make for a more unique reading experience.

Song suggestions to listen to while reading, to set the tone:

Taylor Swift - Enchanted, Madonna - Crazy for You, Shawn Mendes - Can't Take my Eyes off of You (cover)


8 years before

"Bye Mateo, have a great first day!" My dad shouts from the passenger window with enthusiasm. I force a grin and a lazy wave . I know he means well but he can be a little too much. 👋

    I never thought I'd have to start 5th grade at a new elementary school in a new state but then again I never thought my parents would get a divorce either so thanks to them, here I am. I walk into the place making a promise to myself, to make at least one friend today. All I need is to meet one decent person that I can hopefully sit and at eat lunch with and hopefully not look like a total loser.

    I enter the cafeteria and scan the room. I think about whether or not I want to eat breakfast on a nervous stomach. I place my hand on my grumbling stomach and I decide against the idea. As I turn to exit I hear a young girl's voice. I look back to find she's yelling at a boy, demanding him to return her pen. She has to be the most beautiful girl in the world. She's so tiny with long, black hair, big eyes and pretty pink lips. She looks like a doll. She's sparkly! ✨

    The kid is laughing and taunting her by holding the pen above her head. What a Jerk! I walk over and say in the the firmest voice I can manage, "Hey man, c'mon give her back her pen."

    He laughs at me while giving me a once over and hands the girl back her pen. "Well, well Camila looks like you've got yourself a hero. Don't worry 'Hero' I was gonna give it back. Eventually." He claims chuckling obnoxiously. What an ass! 🫏

    "Shut up Nico!" She shoves him and rolls her eyes."Don't listen to my brother, he's just a pain in my ass. He taunts me because his life is obviously lame." She explains ."But thank you for defending me. I'll get him back later."

    Her brother dismisses us by speaking to another kid. The pretty doll and I stand in silence and like a creep I just stare at her, studying her face. I notice her cheeks turn red and I realize that I haven't introduced myself. I will myself to speak for the sake of saving my dignity.

    I begin to reach my hand out and say shakily, "Mmyy-y nam...." but of course the bell rings.

    "See ya around." She waves walking away leaving me with my words in my throat and in awe of her. 😍

Love it All Away🌙 : An Introductory Novella Where stories live. Discover now