Chapter 2: The First Day

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Connor's P.O.V. ----------------------------- Today is January 13, 2013 and its my first day in school since I ran away from the orphanage. My first class was with Ms.Randall and I sat in the far back of the room so I wouldn't attract to much attention. Then I see 3 kids sit on the desks around me. When Ms.Randall called attendance I learned who they were. The girl to my right was Kira Fords and I knew she was really friendly by the teally happy look she had. Then to my left was a boy called Ethan James who i could easily notice was one of those know-it-all kids but be also had a sort of athletic look that distracted people from the bookworm that he was and I could simply tell that he loved school more than anyone I had ever met. The girl in front of me was Cassidy Cornell, she seemed cool but the look she gave was kind and yet curious as if to want to know more about me. After Ms.Randall sat down in her desk because it was homeroom the 3 of them said hi one after the other. And of course i said hi back. The one that instantly became my friend was Kira. Since today was a Monday we had a long homeroom so we got some time to get to know each other. I know that Kira was raised by her father after her mother was killed by a burglar. Cassidy loves to go camping and standing near a bonfire and sing songs. Ethan really enjoys to read, obviously, and loves to play soccer and volleyball. And as it turns out you take every class with the same students and teachers so I was happy to take every class with these wonderful people. So my next class was Powers Education. Cassidy and Ethan went running to the gym, which is where Powers Education is located, while me and Kira walked there. "So how are you liking your first day here?" asked Kira. "Better than I expected thanks to you guys" "Oh really that's so nice if you to say" "Well go on ahead I have to go to the bathroom" I said before ending that conversation. When i got to the gym for Powers Education it was crazy there were people everywhere. I walked in the boys' locker rooms and changed into my gym clothes. When i come out i instantly see Ethan sitting apart from everyone levitating with his legs criss cross while a book was floating with its pages flipping in front of him thats when i realized that he had telekinetic powers. Im walking towards him when I spot what I thought was a hawk but landed in front of me quickly changing into a girl. It was Kira, she's a shape shifter. "Welcome to Powers Education or as we the students call it PE"she said and chuckled a little because I was a little stunned at what I just saw, a hawk turn into a girl wow. "Wow all these kids were in the classroom and I didn't notice any of them" i said surprised. All of a sudden i hear my name be called along with other names which included Cassidy's . Then Cassidy grabbed my arm and said "Come Conner we can't be late for elemental battles". And while she was pulling me out to the field, I managed to get a glimpse of a girl playing dodgeball and she was playing against 10 guys. I guessed her name was Haylee because of all the people cheering her name bur I also heard another name I think it was Trent. And 5 guys have the balls while Haylee is alone on the other side with 1 ball. It all happened in the blink of an eye. All the boys threw the balls at her simultaneously and right before they reached her skin a force field appeared and blocked every shot then I couldn't see Haylee anymore all I saw was a ball come out of nowhere and then more and more, and i realized she has the power of invisibility which also includes force fields. It kept going until it was Haylee and the boy who's name i was now assured of that was Trent and the only reason he lasted this long was because of his super speed. And i knew that game was gonna last a long while. When i got to the field with Cassidy I was a little nervous because I didn't know what to do. All Cassidy said was "Be ready newbie cause your about to get schooled". And before I knew it the most unexpected thing happened. ----------------------------------------------- Left you hanging didn't I hah you'll just have to read the next chapter to know what happens READ VOTE AND COMMENT

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