Chapter Ten

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Buzzing stirred Sayyad from his sleep. Releasing Catherine from his hold, he rolled over, removing the annoying instrument before it woke his wife. "Yes," he answered, knowing it had to be important to wake him so late...Correction early in the morning going by the bedside clock.

Sitting up, he tossed back the bedding and headed to the walk-in wardrobe listening as he entered. "No, don't do anything I will sort it. I'll be there in ten." Shutting down the phone he grabbed a robe, pulling it over his head and strode back out.

"Sayyad?" A sleepy voice came.

"Go back to sleep, Catherine. Palace business," he crossed over, planting a kiss her cheek, tugging up the bedding up around her shoulder. He looked down upon her, watching as she drifted back to sleep, dread in his heart.

This was one thing that could blow everything out of the water. This wasn't supposed to be happening. They were supposed to be gone. Now he had to walk a thin tightrope until he could sort it out for good.

Turning, he walked out and back on the phone. He had to move the wedding forward before it was too late. Leaving his apartment, he was met by his second in charge, Abdul, who was waiting for him. "Is it really them?"

"Yes, sire." He swore savagely as he charged through the Palace, heading towards his private chambers, finding to his disbelief a tall dark Arab and his wife Nadia. Still finding it hard to believe they dared to stand here, in his office.

A beauty in every way with almond-shaped eyes, flawless skin, golden brown eyes, and long flowing black hair, wearing a western-style dress. He waved Abdul out.

"What are you two doing here?" He snarled.

Rolling over Catherine glanced at the bedside clock, frowning. Now, what possible palace business would call Sayyad away at this ridiculous time and gone for what, over an hour? Very strange, switching on the light.

Reached for a light dressing gown, beside her side of the bed from an armchair, slipping it on she headed towards the bathroom, switching lights on the way. Entering the bathroom she went to pour herself a glass of water from the taps to drink from.


She swung around, placing down the glass on the marble top and raced across towards him to be taken in his arms and kiss. "What's wrong? Is it serious?"

"Yes and no. Come back to bed, my love," he suggested, receiving a nod. Together they went back, stripped and slip under the covers. Catherine snuggled up against him as he turned off the light. "I was thinking Catherine. The wedding is in a few days and it has been hectic for you. Have you finished with your dress fittings?"

"Last one tomorrow. Why? What are you up to now?"

"Well, that trip I want us to do in the desert, I think we should do it before the wedding before your official duties start."

"You want to take me into the desert before the wedding? Now, you wouldn't have plans of getting rid of me?" She teased lightly.

"Catherine," he growled.

"Well, it's a good way to get rid of a body," she pointed out.

"Catherine," he warned far from happy to be chuckled at. "I wasn't kidding about the healing powers of the waters. Believe me, you will feel like you'll be able to take on the world."

She smiled. "That good?"

"Hmm, and we will leave after your last fitting," he kissed her. "No camels, I promise, but you don't know what you're missing out on."

She closed her eyes. "Okay, if I must."

He laughed. "Oh, I insist, my love."

After her last fitting of the most beautiful wedding dress, Catherine rushed off, joined her husband to be swept out of the palace to parked four-wheel drives. Bags packed already.

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