Chapter Six

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The following day Sayyad paced Lord Devonport office. "What do you mean she's gone?"

"Just packed up and went. Been planning it from day one, waiting out her time. Most annoying."

"Well, what do you expect when you were trying to sell her off as some sort of prize."

"May I remind you, your excellency, you were the one wanting in."

"We were already engaged," he snapped in annoyance, seeing the shock across his face. "Well, not anymore," he added not meaning to let that slip out. "So where is she?"

James shrugged. "How would I know? Although her mother would be behind it, I'm sure."

Sayyad stopped and looked at him curiously. "And who is her mother?"

"Lady Susanna Fairmont. Traded one Duke for another."

"Lady Susanna," he mumbled. He hadn't expected that. "Very good. I'll be leaving today." With a slight incline of his head, he walked out, on his phone to make a call. He had had many dealings with the Lady. "Susanna," he greeted slipping into the back of his waiting car, the door closed and was driven away. "You've been keeping secrets from me," he growled.

"Dear Sayyad how lovely to hear from you. Have I? How? Oh, you're the King."

"And she's your daughter. Did you know she worked for me?"

"Of course. You, my dear boy, were supposed to keep her out of the clutches of her father, and you blew it."

He raked a hand through his hair. She didn't know the half of it. "Tell me about it, so..."

"Sorry, not allowed to tell." He cursed softly under his breath. How was he supposed to win her back, if he didn't know where she was.

"I will find her."

"I'm sure you will. You want my daughter sire, you have to work for it. Don't bother, if you only want to use her. She has been used enough by her father."

He scowled. "Of course not. I still owe her two wishes," and he had to release her from the prior engagement because he wanted her to be his wife, not out of duty.

"I beg you pardon?" came softly.

"Nothing, not a thing. Just something between Catherine and me. I will find her," he repeated determined, shutting down his phone. Just going to be harder than first thought. First, he had to go home. He had been away far too long. Things needed to be sorted while he put out a search for her. His home was calling and his heart ached. He missed his desert home, yet also felt so empty. He had thought he had finally gotten through. And what, she just gets up and leaves him without a word. Not a good sign.


Riding hard and fast, hair across her face made her happy as Catherine rode home. The only true home she had ever known was on her cousin's homestead in the Queensland outback, breeding horses. Thoroughbreds. Racing through the entrance on Spirit, she lowered in the saddle to bring the spirited stallion home, letting him have free range, galloping home. Nothing like it. 

They charged up towards the homestead, racing up towards an unfamiliar four-wheel drive, paced around to slow down. Stopping she patted his side, unsaddle and walked him out before heading towards the stables, where she unsaddled him, brushed him down, then let him go into the fenced-off area, roaming free.

"Watching you, you were magnificent."

Started, she swung around to the man behind her to throw her arms around him, taking him aback. "Sayyad! What a great surprise," she pulled back, eyes bright. "He's magnificent, isn't he?" she beamed.

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