1.4.4. Extraordinary Measures (Alexx)

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A/N: Dedicated to Fuipui, who has been awaiting my next chapter!


Chapter 4

§ Extяaσяdiηaяy Mєasuяєs §


Alexx darted through narrow, winding passageways and abandoned alleys. Missing the cracked pavement and avoiding the shards from shattered beer bottles. Ignoring the overwhelming fumes wafting from black bags of garbage. Beads of sweat clung to his skin; sadly, even his best efforts weren’t good enough. His pursuers were gaining on him. From behind, a great force (it felt like a bulldozer) knocked Alexx to the ground. The impact jarred his bones and left him gasping for air. Stars swam before him.

Then, he was pinned against the wall, being held firmly by a strong grip. Other than the guy holding him, there were four people about his age. Obviously, they wanted something from him.

Ever since Alexx’s parents disowned him, he had run away and had been living on the streets. In a short matter of time, he had become a celebrity, as a first-class thief. People paid him to steal for them. Alexx lacked brute force, but he didn’t need it. He made up for that by having a lean frame. Also, he was agile and cunning, which played a major part in his tasks. Another thing was survival skills. In his past, he had had his share of fights and had the scars to prove it. Better yet, his identity was still unknown to the authorities.

“So, how may I help you gentlemen on this fine day?” Alexx asked, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

“Join our group or else,” one threatened, his voice gruff.

Alexx mused, “Ah, tough guy act. Sorry, no can do. I already have partners in crime: me, myself, and I. Anyway, I don’t play well with others. Thank you for your offer, but if you would kindly let—“

He was slugged in the stomach; his jaw fell slack as he took a few moments to recover from the blow.

“What is this? Are you going to make me go through some kind of hazing? Answer’s still no.”

Brandishing a knife, the leader held it close to Alexx’s face and ran the tip along his cheek. Alexx cursed under his breath, but saw a way out of his current situation.

Nearby, there was a shopping cart with broken wheels, but it would do. Concentrating on the cart, he gave life to the inanimate object. Thankfully, it worked; there had been plenty of times when it had failed. The shopping cart began moving on its own and Alexx commanded it to stand by.

Alexx’s eyes widened on purpose and looked past the guys with a scared expression on his face. They fell for it. Hook, line, and sinker. The shopping cart advanced on them; two of the five guys ran away. The guy who has holding him slackened his grasp and Alexx kicked out. He sped away, laughing. His power sure did come in handy.


Unmistakable footsteps followed Alexx. Were those guys back to get him?


A blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy caught up to him and started babbling about how someone kidnapped his girlfriend, Cammi and that he needed Alexx’s help.

“Um, if you haven’t noticed I’m not exactly a private investigator. By the way, it’s rude not to introduce yourself first.”

“Please. I just ran ten miles to get here. People around here say you know the streets and areas around this state better than anyone. I need to find someone named Ezio. Chase, I’m Chase…”

News always traveled fast, didn’t it? Alexx tapped his chin, as if in thought. If he supposedly ran ten miles, why didn’t he seem winded at all? However, there was something familiar about the name Ezio. Chase pulled out a wad of cash and offered it to Alexx.

Alexx usually didn’t refuse cold cash, but this time, he waved his hand and said, “I charge my clients all the time, but I’ll make an exception. I’ve never done anything like this before, so it should be entertaining at the very least.”

Chase seemed both angry and overjoyed at Alexx’s comment. Earlier, he had recorded the call. Chase let Alexx listen to it and with that, the two set off to find Ezio. 

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