Chapter 9

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My grammar might be a little off in this chapter. So...
On with the story!


The Squirrelanoid lunged at Mikey and tackled him off the lab bed, onto the floor.

"Get away from me!" Mikey yelled and struggled to break free.

The Squirrelanoid let out a loud screech and slashed Mikey across the face with its sharp claws. Mikey whimpered as blood started to drip from his face.

The squirrel screeched and opened its jaws. It pinned Mikey down harder and bit his shoulder.

Mikey screamed and struggled to break free as a few tears escaped his eyes.

Leo and Raph ran into a lab to see a Squirrelanoid on top of their youngest brother, harming him. "Mikey!" They yelled in unison.

Raph took out his sai and threw it at the squirrel. It went through the squirrels thigh, and it released Mikey.

The Squirrelanoid faced the source and screeched as blood dripped from its mouth.

Raph and Leo cringed at the sight, "Raph go help Mikey, I'll hold off the Squirrelanoid." Leo quickly said and unsheathed his katana.

Raph quickly nodded and ran towards Mikey as the squirrel leaped at him, but he swiftly dodged the attack and continued to run.

The Squirrelanoid made a quick recovery and spotted its next target, Leo.

Leo gritted his teeth as he ran to the squirrel to attack. The Squirrelanoid screeched and ran to Leo.

Leo struck towards the squirrels chest but the squirrel swiftly dodged his attack. It growled and ran in circles around Leo.

He looked confused but he struck and missed every time he thought he had a chance. Leo started to get a little dizzy, and as of on cue, the Squirrelanoid rammed Leo from the back.

Leo went flying into a wall. He opened his eyes to see foggy patches; he shook his head to try and fix his vision.

Once he got his vision back, he opened his eyes in time to see the Squirrelanoid's tongue wrap around his throat.

He gasped and reached to restrain the tongue, but as soon as he touched it, the squirrel yanked him into the air.

Leo gasped again and roughly exhaled and inhaled as the squirrel's grip tightened.

"Raph," he said very softly. Leo stared in fear and he started to see black dots. He heard a muffled voice, but then he was out.


Raph assisted Mikey to slowly sit up. When he did, Raph had him lean against Donnie's lab table.

Mikey hissed in pain as Raph checked his shoulder. "Looks like you got the same injury as me, Mikey." Raph sadly said, "but don't worry, you're going to be fine." He looked at the fresh slash that was now marked on his face, "that should heal in no time." He said, giving Mikey a reassuring smile.

Mikey slowly looked up at him and painfully smiled. He looked around him and his eyes got wide when he saw Leo on the floor, shaking his head, as the Squirrelanoid approached him.

Mikey pointed at Leo as soon as he was yanked up by the throat.

"Raph, Leo," Mikey said in between panic breaths.

Raph stared at him with concern, "what about Leo?"

Mikey didn't say anything; he couldn't catch his breath.


Both Raph and Mikey heard the voice and they both looked up to see Leo's eyes fluttering to close.

"Leo!" Raph yelled as he saw his oldest brother go limb in the squirrel's tongue.

Raph gasped and his eyes turned white, "I've had enough of you! You stupid animal!" He unsheathed his other sai that was left and ran at the creature.

He slashed the squirrel's tongue and it released an unconscious Leo on the floor.

Raph charged at it again and preformed a spinning side kick. The Squirrelanoid saw the attack coming and dodged the foot coming straight for its face.

It used its tail to fling Raph across the room. He fell to the floor with a grunt escaping his mouth.

He was about to stand up, until pressure was added to his bad shoulder, he whimpered and hissed in pain.

The Squirrelanoid added weight to Raph's injury, it knew how bad it hurt for him. It growled and slashed Raph on his freshly wrapped wound.

Raph grunted and stayed on the floor, unmoving.

Mikey gasped at the scene in front of him. The Squirrelanoid turned to the source of the noise and screeched.

It ran on all fours toward Mikey and leaped in the air.

Mikey closed his eyes and waited for the impact.

"Stay away from my brother!"

Mikey opened his eyes to see Donnie smacking the squirrel across the face before it reached him.

"Donnie!" Mikey screamed in joy and in pain.

Donnie turned and showed his gap-tooth smile. His smile quickly turned into a frown when he saw Mikey's shoulder wound.

"Donnie look out!" Mikey yelled, taking him out if his trance.

Donnie quickly snapped out of it and preformed a sloppy back flip, over the incoming Squirrelanoid. Donnie smirked as the squirrel screeched in shock.

Donnie jumped in the air and held his bō with two hands. He went for a strike, but unfortunately, the Squirrelanoid stretched its long tongue and grabbed Donnie's legs, to throw him into a frozen Timothy.

Donnie looked up, looking very tired, as the Squirrelanoid approached him. The squirrel screeched and ran to Donnie, until it stopped mid tracks when throwing stars landed on the floor.

Donnie, Mikey, and the Squirrelanoid turned and faced the source.

"Stay away from my sons! Now!"

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