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Chip's POV

It has been two months since Honestee left me. She still see's the girls and my mom. I see her at the babies appointments but she won't say shit to me. I fucked up and let a good woman go. She hasn't even been at none of our businesses. I know she has her another house and car. She is still going to school, plus working again and changed her number on me. She doesn't even talk to majority of her friends no more.

Today I get to see her because of the appointment for the baby. I got to the appointment, looked around for her and didn't see her. I walked up to the window to check us in but the lady said she just got called to the back. She let me in and told me what the room number was. I knocked on the door and opened it slowly. The nurse was in with her asking her the usual questions before the doctor came in.

She looked so cute in her red and grey Nike shorts and shirt. She had the J's I bought her on. They was getting her weight. I smiled when she turned around and I seen her cute belly. I'm hoping we have a girl because I want her to look just like happiness. The nurse finished up her questions, told us the doctor would be in soon and left. I just stared at happiness and was trying not to say nothing to her.

Me: Why you didn't tell me you was going to be here early?

Happiness: I don't tell you anything! We don't have or need to have no type of conversation.

Me: Man cut it out! We have to have conversations because you carrying my child!

Happiness: Let's just play like I'm not!

Me: You going to piss me off! But I really do miss you!

Happiness: What do you miss O?

Me: Everything and the way you say my name! You haven't even went to check on your businesses, why?

Happiness: No that's all you! Remember you can take it all from me because you got it for me? Well you can have it, I don't want it or you O!

Me: Please stop the businesses are in your name except the restaurant. That is in both our names, Lucky's and all three of our moms. We need to be civil for the baby happiness!

Doctor: Hello, Ms. Garcia. I see you're doing good. You ready to find out what your having?

Before she told us she read happiness STD results to her. She is clean. Then she told us we was having a little boy. I'm not going to lie I was a little upset. Happiness set up our next appointment and left. I walked to get into my car. When I drove around I seen her sitting in a purple Mercedes Concept GLA: Seriennaher SUV-Ausblick. I put my truck in park and walked up to the drivers door. She had her head down on the steering wheel.

I opened the door, she turned to me and I took her into my arms. Why was she crying?

Me: Why are you crying happiness?

Happiness: Because I never wanted to do this alone! We are having a son and I'm scared and I miss you!

Me: I miss you too! You're not doing this alone and I'm glad it's you blessing me with a son. I'm not going to lie I wanted you to have a girl that looked just like you!

Happiness: I am doing this alone! We are not together and I go through everything by myself you just have to show up at the babies appointments. I have to feel the kicks, the sickness and emotions by myself!

Me: Happiness please just come home! Let's do this together again! I want you back!

Happiness: I can't O! If I did that means I have to let a lot of stuff I have going go and I'm not doing that!

I held her for a while longer, picked up her face off my chest, kissed her passionately and then we separated. She went her way and I went mine. I went to my moms to get the girls and take them home. When we got there I made them lunch and we watched a movie. I was falling asleep until the doorbell rang. Loyalty went and answered it and when I heard her say mommy I knew my baby had decided to come home. I jumped up and went to the door to see her.

I got upset when I seen that it was Kaleana. After I had the bitches beat her ass I told her to never contact me again. She was standing at the door with her daughter in her hands and suitcases next to her. I hope she doesn't think she is going to live here. I'm done with her, after she had them hoes touch happiness, I wanted to kill her but I got my female street workers  beat the breaks off her and Jasmine and left them for dead.

Me: Girls go to your rooms now! What the fuck are you doing here?

Kaleana: I need you to take care of your daughter and I need a place to stay!

Me: I'm taking care of my daughters! Go find her dad and ask them sorry ass niggahs you fuck with to let you stay with them! You need to leave now!

Kaleana: Umunique is yours! I'm leaving her here and I'm gone Chip!

Me: No take her with you she not mines! Fuck!

She sat her car seat down and took off. By the time I got to the door she already was in a car driving off. I seen happiness pulling off and I ran out to stop her. She stopped and I told her please don't leave. She pulled back in and got out the car. I grabbed her hand and we walked to the door. When we got inside I grabbed the baby and she grabbed the bags. She closed the door and we went into the living room. I told her everything that just happened.

We sat and talked for a while. Happiness got up and cooked dinner. I stayed in the kitchen with her, touching and stealing kisses when I can. We sat down and ate dinner. The girls was enjoying having us all together. When happiness did the dishes, the girls went to watch tv with their sister in the living room. I sat in the kitchen talking to her about a DNA test on Umunique.

She told me she is giving me one on our son. I got a little upset hearing that but I understood where she was coming from. I fucked up and said he wasn't mine out of anger and now I have to deal with this. When we was done, we joined the girls in the living room. We watched a movie until the girls bath time. Happiness helped the girls and gave Umunique a bath. Before I could thank her my phone rang. It was Lucky and it was an emergency.

I told happiness I would be right back and left. When I got to the spot everyone was there. I walked up to Lucky and he told me that the niggah Carlos was waiting for me in the basement. Carlos is the last niggah that was an inside man for King. I stopped to think what I was going to do when I walked down the stairs. Lucky said he wasn't tied up. Before I could walk down the stairs the police busted in.

They had us all down on the ground. They walked us to the cars except Dro. That bitch been the informant this whole time. I could kill this niggah. Been knowing him since he was in elementary school when did he find the time to become a fucking cop. He better be gone out of town by the time I step out this mother fucking jail. Fuck I am glad my businesses and house is all in happiness name.

The spots was all in different bitches names who I made up. Dro don't know all this no one does. I knew some shit was going to happen so I made sure to have everything in happiness name and move my money to an account under my moms name but made sure the only one who could touch it if they wasn't me was happiness. Fuck she is with the girls and I need to get a hold of her but how. Damn this isn't the best time for this shit. I got a baby on the way!

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